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The Extraordinary Transformation of Monique Darling and How You Can Do It Too


This is the story of how Monique Darling, an ordinary woman, became an extraordinary woman and founded Everyday Tantra. It is the larger story of how one woman rejected a lifetime in a repressed religious culture just over a decade ago and blossomed into an international leader in teaching sexuality, intimacy, and consent, and today changes countless lives daily. And now beginning in September, 2018, this woman, Monique Darling, returns to the United States for her Fall teaching and event tour after a summer sharing the gifts of intimacy and tantra in Thailand, Sweden, Netherlands (Amsterdam and Holland) China, Italy, Portugal, Greece and Turkey, and London, England.

Darling wasn’t always the transformative person she is today. She grew up in a Mormon town in repressed Utah. She was a very curious, outspoken, and outgoing child, that was extra sensitive to boot. Those characteristics scared her mom, the community and especially the church, so she grew up believing everything about her was wrong. Through extreme emotional, physical, and sexual abuse, she completely lost her voice. She began a career and got married, had three kids, began buying a house but realized one day that even though she had “everything” she was completely miserable.

The main thing that happens at her events is that Monique creates a container that prompts open communication and sets boundaries. ‘Yes’. ‘No’. ‘Maybe’ (Maybe is a no). You see a whole different way of relating radically that is authentic and vulnerable. She creates a lasting impact on participants of her events and festivals. She gets people to unravel their layers and deal with shame, guilt and jealousy. She grants permission to explore your vulnerabilities which allows transformation.

Kai Karell, Writer, Poet, Mystic and Spiritual Adventurer

Fast forward ahead 10 years, Monique is the Author of the book “Beyond Cuddle Party” and workshop facilitator extraordinaire, and has discovered she was born on this planet with the unique gifts and soul calling to help individuals remember how magnificent they are! Messages from ancestors, spirit guides, body, nature, and soul, are all called upon and utilized so that individuals walk away knowing how deeply the cosmos love them for themselves, exactly as they are, so they can begin to love and accept themselves too. Last year, Monique, the CEO of Juicy Enlightenment hosted the largest Cuddle Party the world has ever seen at the Interfusion Festival Summer 2 outside of Washington, DC. 

Lawrence Lanoff, the streetwise, sex-positive, spiritually oriented life coach, who has been with Monique on 50 plus workshops and been her mentor and life coach has a special way he looks at her life, “This is someone who was green, the ultimate outsider to this whole other world. She just started doing it. Practicing, applying and then teaching. Monique’s the woman, everyday woman. Sex and relationships and communication and boundaries has changed her life. She cares deeply about what she is doing and has a huge vision for that. I see a woman who has grit. She would drive for hours sometimes days to go to an event and drive back. She genuinely loves this work and changing lives. She finds beauty in accepting all kinds of people. She sees sexuality in a much broader form than what is fed to us by our culture — only the beautiful people in our culture can have sex.”

“In Monique’s universe, it is just humans connecting,” Lanoff, who also is a winning filmmaker, successful entrepreneur, early technology adopter and is the co-founder of TaokenAl added. “That is a beautiful thing. She demonstrated that and I learned about that. Bodies, sex, and humans. Everyone wants to be loved, connect and feel cared for. She is not a swimsuit model, not a playmate, but can be included in that world — tantra, sex ed, teacher training. She meets you with radical self-acceptance. I have seen the number of people she loves and respects and be open is beyond words. Her welcoming cross country, cross the world, cross religions are overwhelming. The inclusivity. That is the thing she can do. Incredibly diverse classes. No matter how serious it can get, she can turn it into playful, levity. She doesn’t over complicate this thing. She wants to give people experiences versus knowledge. She is alive. It’s her. She’s the brand. For people, she is the ‘it.’ Her events have a purpose.”

“Monique has a unique ability to connect with people wherever she goes,” said Sarah Taub, head of New Culture East, Zegg forum leader, and a dynamic facilitator. “This is so authentic to who she is. She is loving sweetness. People who come in contact with her feel loved and held, and she has a wide open heart that makes people feel accepted. Her energy of kindness, permission, and acceptance makes people feel safe. She has a playful quality. She makes it clear she loves everyone. She tells stories of her own path and transformation. She is so authentic about her own journey. She lets people feel it is ok to be messy when they are stuck or having problems with a partner or child or family. She values you no matter where you are on your path.”

Beginning this month in the Fall of 2018, Monique and her partner Pete Petersen will be bringing this message and their teaching and events to Boston, Chicago, San Diego, Atlanta, Asheville, NC, Austin, Seattle,  San Jose, Washington, DC, and then she is off to Guatemala in November and Rome, Italy in June 2019 for a 5-day intensive. These workshops are presented in conjunction with Monique’s new website,, which she recently introduced for everyday life so participants can go back and create the setting at home.

“I have seen Monique’s depth that others don’t get to see,” said Author and owner of Tantra Quest Shawn Roop. “I am witnessing a person who is really committed to her own personal growth in life and the personal growth of others. She is doing things differently than the norm, and she is helping others go beyond the norm. The beginner mindset at her events should be — nothing she offers is normal. It is innovative. Because of her sense of adventure, she often goes to places that most don’t. Monique provides an invitation to come to new states of being. And that is a real offering. It is not entertainment. She doesn’t do this work lightly. The way she does events is unique and powerful and beautiful. So much change that it is impossible not to take it seriously. The energy in her events can jar an individual. People leave questioning what just happened. They discover new ways to look at relationships, sex, and energy.” 

“What a gift!” Roop, a teacher and performer, added. “A fantastic gift. This process is not easy — the process of transformation is what she is offering. That takes courage as a human being. Not everyone is ready for this much change. This stuff is for real. It is not a game. Her events are for those who are ready for more in their lives.” 

The classes, events, and online offerings help participants gain deeper presence, simple integration of the body, mind, heart, and spirit. Self-Trust and Self-Care are also important parts of this integration. Everyday tantra is getting in touch with the authentic parts of who you are and expressing it with absolutely zero fear of being judged by them. This offers participants permission to surrender and allow the love of yourself to be shared with everyone.

“The main thing that happens at her events is that Monique creates a container that prompts open communication and sets boundaries. ‘Yes.’ ‘No.’ ‘Maybe.’ (Maybe is a no),” said Kai Karrell, writer, poet, mystic and spiritual adventurer. “You see a whole different way of relating radically that is authentic and vulnerable. She creates a lasting impact on participants of her events and festivals. She gets people to unravel their layers and deal with shame, guilt, and jealousy. She grants permission to explore your vulnerabilities which allows transformation. When you are situated within the self, you need less external validation, and you are able to connect and feel people around you. She teaches self-love versus external validation and sensationalism. Come with an open heart, trust the instruction, don’t push it beyond your comfort zone and come with a willingness to look inside. Don’t come for a sensation or experience. Come to be taught. Come to do the work.” 

“Monique believes you are the gift! She has led nearly 2000 workshops in the past 8 years. She has taught at colleges across the United States including Yale University and has been featured on TLC and The Doctors as well as various radio shows, podcasts, and magazines across the globe. She specializes in helping others reclaim their power and natural sensuality by transmuting fear and repression into courage, self-love, and freedom. Her primary purpose is helping folks bring out their vulnerability, energetic embodiment, and fearless relating.

“Monique says ‘come on in!’ to an event,” added Sarah Taub. “There is nothing you have to do. All of you are welcome. She creates a feeling of love and acceptance at her events. People feel joyful and connected and excited and playful at her events. People have made big changes in their personal lives after being at an event. People can be free to be who they want to be.”

Monique’s partner Peter Petersen has been teaching Qigong for 14 years and has been a certified massage therapist for the last 10. Peter has been teaching in health clubs, hospitals, retirement villas, and several different wellness/spa resorts in Mexico and the United States, such as Rancho La Puerta, Mayacamas Ranch, and Present Moment Retreat. Peter is also a personal wellness coach. This Qigong practice helps people ground themselves into their “now” to increase their present moment awareness of their behaviors, and find simple solutions to problematic habits such as: eating, moving, negative thinking, and sleeping. The result of this toolbox of healthy information is that clients become their own health advocate and regain a sense of stability, peace, and well-being into their everyday lives.

“Are you ready to stop the endless seeking and searching externally? Are you ready to return home to you?” Monique asks. “Welcome to Everyday Tantra!”

Learn more about Monique by going to or track her whereabouts at

Media Contact: 

Bob Newman 
Phone: 617-952-1470

Source: Everyday Tantra


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