Work Group Focus Topics 

Work Group Meeting #1 – Cultivation, Manufacturing, & Testing Standards

Anticipated Discussion Topics: 

  • Decontamination, including Science & Policy Forum Proposals; 
  • Reduced Testing Allowance, including Science & Policy Forum Proposals; 
  • SB 23-271 Implementation. 

MED requests that any comments or proposals that interested parties would like to be considered for inclusion in the draft rule revisions discussed at this meeting be submitted by Friday, August 11th, through the written submission form.

Work Group Meeting #2 – Legislation Implementation, Rule Efficiencies, & Hospitality Updates 

Anticipated Discussion Topics: 

  • Legislation Implementation – HB 23-1021; HB 23-1279; SB 23-199;
  • Rule efficiencies; 
  • Hospitality business operations. 

MED requests that any comments or proposals that interested parties would like to be considered for inclusion in the draft rule revisions discussed at this meeting be submitted by Wednesday, August 30th through the written submission form.

How to Participate

Submit your request to serve on a work group

Participants selected to serve on a rulemaking work group are expected to attend assigned meetings, engage in work group discussions, and collaborate with other parties to develop rule proposals, conduct research, and present relevant information. 

Interested parties must complete this application before July 28, 2023 in order to be considered for selection to serve on a work group. Please confirm your availability to attend meetings on the above dates prior to applying to serve on a work group. 

When identifying participants to serve on rulemaking work groups, the Division’s goal is to ensure work groups represent a diversity of perspectives and subject matter expertise and/or experience or knowledge relevant to the subjects under consideration. And while selected work group members will be assigned to serve as the primary participants in scheduled work group meetings, each meeting will provide opportunities for public comment by all interested attendees. 

Attend meetings and participate during the public comment period: 

All members of the public can attend work group meetings, may provide oral comment during the public comment period for each meeting, and may submit written comments on proposed rules. Whether or not you apply to serve on a work group, your feedback will be used to inform work group agenda items, discussions, questions, and the Division’s proposals.

In-Person Option (space is limited):

1707 Cole Blvd., Ste. 300 

Red Rocks Conference Room

Lakewood, CO 80401

Virtual Meeting Option:

Join Zoom Meeting: 

Call in option: (719) 359- 4580

Meeting ID: 861 1551 9267

Next Steps

Unless otherwise announced, all work group meetings will have an option to join virtually using the link above. Additionally, links for each work group will be posted in advance on the 2023 Rulemaking page of the Division’s website.

Work group meetings are open to the public and all interested parties can take an active role in the process by attending and participating in the public comment period and by submitting written comments on proposed rules. 

For questions about the Division’s rulemaking process, you may contact Danielle Henry, at [email protected]. Interested parties can also visit the Division’s website and may subscribe to receive updates about the Division’s rulemaking process.


Marijuana Enforcement Division

Sean Hocking

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