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The Brassicas of Fall | The Survival Gardener


These beds need a little weeding, but despite their visual imperfection, the crops are looking good thus far.

The left two rows are our daikon landrace project. The center two rows are a mix of other brassicas.

They are all looking good this year.

This double row is an overhead shot of the daikons. We planted multiple large-rooted types of radish in the spring, then saved seeds. These were grown from those seeds. So far, so good. We’ll see how the roots turn out.

During the pandemic in 2020 while we were still living on the island, I planted a lot of pak choi. Too many. My kids still don’t want to eat them.

Now I just grow them to help the kids build character.

It’s wonderful having fresh greens coming in from the garden. When you grow your own food, you start to get used to the patterns of the year and enjoy various crops as they arrive. This is brassica season again, after a gap that lasted from May through the beginning of October.

Nearby, the compost pile pumpkin vines are STILL producing pumpkins!

While we were at Scrubfest, we got some wind that knocked down part of the Crickmore Trellis we are growing some of our yams on:

It’s probably late enough in the year that it doesn’t matter at this point.

Today we’re working to put the plastic on top of our new greenhouse. Wish us luck!

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David The Good

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