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The Best Shoes For Your Capsule Wardrobe


Capsule wardrobes are all the rage right now, and for good reason.

They’re perfect for anyone who doesn’t have a lot of space or just wants to simplify their life.

But the truth is, any wardrobe will benefit from adding some variety in terms of shoes.

Whether you’re looking for something that’s comfortable or fashionable, there’s a shoe out there for you!

What Do I Need In My Capsule Wardrobe?

You’ve heard of capsule wardrobes, but you don’t know where to start.

What do I need in my capsule wardrobe?

I have some suggestions!

First of all, you’ll want to gather all the clothes that currently fit into your wardrobe.

This means everything from your favorite jeans to your favorite sweaters.

Next, you’ll want to sort through everything and see which pieces are in good condition and which aren’t.

If something doesn’t fit well or isn’t flattering, go ahead and throw it away (or donate it).

You don’t want any surprises when it comes time to wear the clothes again!

Now that you’ve got that done, take a look at what’s left—and hold on tight!

Because now is when things get real.

Are all of these items going to be useful in your capsule wardrobe?

If they aren’t useful, go ahead and toss them out as well.

Finally, take a look at what’s left.

Does anything need updating?

If so, it’s time for an upgrade!

How To Build A Shoe Collection?

Capsule Wardrobe Shoes - This is a shoe collection. A lot of shoes are hanged in the wall. A bag can also be seen on the left side. A sign can be seen on the topmost right side. Boots can be seen on the lowest part.

Building a shoe collection is a fun and rewarding experience.

You can build your collection one pair at a time, or you can throw yourself into it and buy as many pairs as possible in the span of one afternoon.

Either way, the first step is to identify your style and create a budget for what you want to spend.

Once you’ve made those decisions, here are some tips for building your shoe collection:

1) Invest In Quality

Capsule Wardrobe Shoes - This is a shoe store. The shoes displayed are for girls. The shoes on the top is are designed plain. Most of the shoes has patterns on it. The shoes look colorful.

If you want to build a shoe collection, you need to take quality seriously.

If you’re going to spend money on shoes, do it right and invest in quality.

You’ll be able to wear your shoes for longer periods of time without them breaking down or falling apart.

The more expensive the shoe is, the better it’ll be made, which means that it will last longer and look better over time.

2) Buy Shoes That You’ll Wear Often

Capsule Wardrobe Shoes - A girl can be seen in the picture. Her face is not visible in the angle. She looks like someone who came home from shopping. She has three paper bags. She is wearing tattered jeans.

One of the most important tips on how to build a shoe collection is to buy shoes that you’ll wear often.

Most people have a closet full of shoes they never wear.

Don’t be that person!

Buy versatile, classic shoes you can wear with almost any outfit and you’ll be set for years.

Shoes are an investment so don’t waste money on something you won’t use.

3) Start With A Classic Silhouette

Capsule Wardrobe Shoes - A girl can be seen in the picture. The camera is facing her back. She is facing a glass door. She is wearing a ballerina clothes. She has both her hand on the glass door.

Want to get into the world of shoes?

First of all, start with a classic silhouette.

Something like a pump or a loafer is always going to be in style, so it’s not as risky as trying out something new and trendy.

You can also always add other things later on if you want!

4) Shop For Comfort

Capsule Wardrobe Shoes - A girl can be seen in the picture. She is sitting on a chair. She has a cup of coffee on the table. She is holding a phone. She is shopping for clothes.

You know that feeling when you put on a pair of shoes and they just feel so good?

That’s what you should be aiming for.

The right shoes can make all the difference in your day, and the wrong shoes can leave you hobbling around like a penguin.

If you’re trying to build a shoe collection, it’s important to shop for comfort.

Whether you’re going for heels or sneakers, find something that feels good on your feet!

It doesn’t have to be expensive—it just has to fit right.

5) Don’t Be Afraid To Experiment

Capsule Wardrobe Shoes - A girl can be seen in the picture. She is sitting on a white box. She is wearing her sandals. She has a curly, long, red hair. The color of the wall is white.

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different styles and colors.

Sure, you may have your go-to pair of black pumps, but why not break out of your comfort zone and try something new?

The great thing about shoes is that they’re a pretty cheap investment (especially if you get them on sale) and they’re easy to return if they don’t work out.

Whether it’s a pair of sandals or some killer heels, there’s no wrong way to build a shoe collection.

How Many Shoes Should I Own Capsule Wardrobe?

Capsule Wardrobe Shoes - A girl can be seen in rhe picture. She is sitting on the floor. She is tying her shoes. She is wearing a big earrings. She has makeup on.

The answer is, it depends.

Your capsule wardrobe is your own personal style, so there’s no wrong answer to this question.

The point is that you have a few options for how many shoes to include in your capsule wardrobe.

If you’re short on space and time, consider having just one pair of shoes per season.

This will keep your closet looking neat and organized, while still giving you enough variety to choose from during the year.

If you want to be able to switch things up more often, consider having two pairs of shoes per season.

You can even go up to three pairs if that’s what works best for you!

What Shoes Do You Need For Capsule Wardrobe?

Capsule Wardrobe Shoes - A girl can be seen in the picture. She is hiding on her closet. She is wearing a gray pants and top. The clothes are hanged in their closet. The clothes are covering her face.

So you’ve decided to give the capsule wardrobe a try.

Well done!

You’re already ahead of the curve, and you’ve already started the process of streamlining your closet.

But there’s one thing that we all need in our closets: shoes.

And not just any shoes—shoes that are versatile enough for all those different outfits you can wear.

So here are seven shoes you need for your new capsule wardrobe:

1) The Classic Black Pump

Capsule Wardrobe Shoes - A shoe can be seen on the picture. It’s color is black. A square light is placed next to the shoe. The wall is made of bricks and is painted white. The picture looks like a set for shoe advertising.

If you’re looking to build a capsule wardrobe, the classic black pump is as good a place to start as any.

The classic black pump will serve as your go-to shoe for formal events and evening wear.

It can also be used as a versatile piece in your capsule wardrobe when paired with jeans, skirts, and more.

2) A Pair Of Ballet Flats

Capsule Wardrobe Shoes - This is a picture of a ballerina shoes. It’s color is light pink. The lace are loose. It is placed on the floor by its owner. The floor is painted gray.

A pair of ballet flats are an absolute must for your capsule wardrobe.

They are incredibly versatile and can be worn with almost anything—from jeans to dresses to skirts.

They’re also easy to match: you can wear them with black, brown, white, or even patterned shoes!

So what’s the difference between a ballet flat and other types of flats?

Ballet flats have a flexible sole that molds to your foot over time.

They’re also usually made from leather or suede, which makes them perfect for colder weather.

3) A Pair Of Sneakers

Capsule Wardrobe Shoes - A man can be seen in the picture. He is sitting on the floor. He is wearing a black shirt and gray shorts. Two dumbbells is on the floor, too. He looks like he just finished his workout.

A pair of sneakers is a must-have item in your capsule wardrobe.

They can be worn with almost any outfit, and they’re great for going on runs or just running errands around town.

If you have a pair of sneakers, you’ll never be caught off guard by the weather!

4) A Pair Of Heels

Capsule Wardrobe Shoes - A pair of shoes can be seen in the picture. It has a silver color. A rectangular box can be seen in the middle of the shoes.The shoes are placed on a cushion. The cushion has a gold lining.

A pair of heels is essential for your wardrobe.

You can wear them to work and to play, and they will add style to any outfit.

They are also versatile shoes that will go with anything from jeans to dresses.

The best part about heels is that you can wear them with almost any outfit.

So you can avoid having to buy new shoes every time you buy something new to wear.

Heels are one of the most versatile shoes that you can own.

If you’re looking for a pair of shoes that will go with everything in your closet, then this is the shoe for you!

5) A Bootie Or Ankle-High Boot

Capsule Wardrobe Shoes - A woman’s legs can be seen in the picture. She is wearing boots. The color of the boots is black. Teh boots look shiny. The wall is painted gray.

If you’re looking for shoes that will work for your capsule wardrobe, a bootie or ankle-high boot is an easy choice.

They’re very versatile.

They can be worn with pants, skirts, dresses, or even shorts!

And since they have a heel, they’ll give you the height you need to complete an outfit without adding too much bulk to your feet.

6) An Everyday Sandal

Capsule Wardrobe Shoes - A woman is sitting in the picture. She is sitting on the floor. She is wearing a green, sleeveless shirt. She has a white coat paired up with her white shorts. Her sandals are yellow.

It’s the most important shoe in your closet.

You need a pair of sandals that you can wear with anything—from a denim dress to a T-shirt and jeans.

The key is to find a pair that looks good with everything, so they’re always your go-to shoe.

They don’t have to be fancy or expensive—just comfortable!

7) A Dressy Sandal

Capsule Wardrobe Shoes - A woman can be seen in the picture. Her face is not seen in the angle. She is sitting on the sofa and putting her shoes on. Her toenails are painted red. A glass table can be seen in the picture.

A dressy sandal is a must-have in your capsule wardrobe.

Your dressy sandal can be anything from a chic stiletto to an elegant slingback, depending on your personal style and the occasion.

The look is polished and formal, so make sure that whatever you choose, it’s something you feel confident wearing.

Build Your Own Capsule Wardrobe Now!

Hello, friends!

I’m so excited to share with you how to build your own capsule wardrobe.

Capsule wardrobes are great for keeping things simple, but they can also be a little intimidating if you’re not sure where to start.

It’s going to be fun!

It can be hard at the start, but it will be great.

But, no worries.

I am here to help.

Click the link below to download my free capsule wardrobe guide.


Alison’s Notebook

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