Self Help
The best roast potatoes you’ll ever taste + my secret ingredient
I was very lucky when I grew up that I had a mum who liked to cook and was very good at it. I also enjoyed cooking and so we would spend many fun hours in the kitchen together. Many of my family’s favourite meals have evolved from recipes that my mum taught me from cottage pie to the annual Christmas cake recipe. These roast potatoes are no exception.
One particular dish that is extremely popular is my roast potatoes on a Sunday. I have to say my favourite meal of all time is a chicken roast with crispy roast potatoes. Unfortunately, I think this is sometimes the reason why we don’t have roast dinners at pubs and restaurants very often because, to me, one of the most important factors of a roast is a good crunchy roast potato.
Roast potatoes are not healthy, but are good for the soul
Now, I know roast potatoes don’t come under the heading of “healthy food” but I strongly believe that a little treat does no harm and this is why I have added this post to my blog. I like to think of this type of food as good for the soul. If it makes you happy it can’t be all that bad right?
Over the years I have developed my recipe for these roast potatoes and, without wanting to blow my own trumpet, I would say they are pretty perfect, but you can try them and let me know what you think. I am always open to a little bit of constructive criticism.
The perfect roast potatoes
I think there are a couple of factors that are pretty important when producing the perfect roast potato. The type of potato used, the type of fat you use, whether you pre-boil or not, the oven temperature, the cooking time and a couple of other little tweaks that make all the difference.
This is my recipe for the best roast potatoes you will ever taste with my secret ingredient.
Maris piper potatoes – peeled and chopped (quantity is based on how many people you are serving, but I usually work on the basis that each person will have approximately four good sized pieces of potato)
Vegetable oil (I use the brand Crisp and Dry, but any good quality vegetable oil will do really)
1 Tsp medium coarse sea salt or which ever salt you have available. (My favourite is Pink Himalayan salt)
2 pinches of ground nutmeg
Prep time 15 minutes Cooking time 1 hour

- Pre-heat your oven to 220 degrees centigrade or gas mark 7.
- Peel and chop the Maris piper potatoes. Small potatoes can be cut in half, medium size potatoes can be cut into quarters, large potatoes can be cut into 6 pieces.
- Place the potatoes in a large pan of boiling water with a teaspoon of salt. The water should just cover the potatoes.
- Boil on a medium to high heat for five minutes or until the potatoes start to look a little fluffy on the outside. Do not boil for too long as you will end up with mashed potato instead.
- While the potatoes are boiling take a large glass, ceramic or metal roasting dish and poor enough vegetable oil to just about cover the bottom of the dish. Now place the dish in the oven to warm up.
- Drain the boiling water from the potatoes by tipping them into a strainer or colander. Once the water has drained away, toss the potatoes a few times gently in the strainer to break up the outside of each piece of potato very slightly.
- Remove the hot roasting dish from the oven and carefully tip the potatoes into the dish. Do this from a low height so that you don’t splash the hot oil.
- Using a large metal spoon turn the potatoes in the oil so they are evenly covered. You may wish to add a little bit more oil at this point for extra crispiness, but don’t overdo the oil as you don’t want them dripping in it. Make sure the potatoes are spread out evenly.
- Carefully sprinkle the sea salt and a few pinches of ground nutmeg evenly over the potatoes.
In to the oven the roast potatoes go…..
- Place the dish on the middle shelf of your oven for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes carefully remove the dish and using a large metal spoon turn the potatoes over so that they cook evenly.
- Return the dish to the oven for a further 30 minutes.
- Remove the dish from the oven and the roast potatoes should be starting to brown nicely with very crispy edges. If you would like the potatoes a little bit crispier return to the oven for a further 10 to 15 minutes.
- Tip the roast potatoes into a warmed serving dish and serve.
- Enjoy!!
I always love to hear from my readers so please leave me a comment in the box at the bottom of this post. Tell me about your roast potato experiences.
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