Pop Culture
The best Lego DREAMZzz sets to bring fantasy to life
Time to make your DREAMZzz come true. Don’t give up on them! You could totally get accepted to Lego architect school! You could be the Frank Lloyd Wright of bricks! Let these Lego sets prove it!
Who doesn’t dream of owning a pegasus? We all saw Hercules. Why would I ever want some regular horse that runs on the ground like every other when I could have one that soars through the air? I thought I would only be able to ascend to such Everest-ish heights in my dreaming life, but the Pegasus Flying Horse set can make my dreams a reality! I feel like I gotta be a little careful with this particular horse though. He’s giving me kind of a … murdery vibe.

What’s cooler than robots or dinosaurs? ROBOT DINOSAURS. Cooper’s Robot Dinosaur C-Rex is the best of both worlds! All of the terror and charisma of a Jurassic Era giant with the sleek, chrome-plated style of our future overlords. But this particular C-Rex isn’t trying to rule us. It’s under my control. Or really, Cooper’s control—until I commit Grand Theft Dinosaur that is.

I thought that stealing Cooper’s Robot Dinosaur would bring me the joy that mundane reality has squeezed from my heart, but NO. I was left cold as the beast’s steely skin. I’ve turned my thieving eyes to a new prize: Mrs. Castillo’s Turtle Van. What does Mrs. Castillo need all that turtle for? I think she’d do fine with a regular old VW. Let me have this spectacular Lego amphibian machine.

Never mind the Turtle Van. Izzie and Bunchu The Bunny is the animal vehicle combo set that I truly desire. After all, how fast can a Turtle Van really go? We’ve all heard the story. I’m not one for “slow and steady.” I’m tryna go FAST. And what is faster than a giant bunny robot riding on jet-fueled roller skates? There may be more things in heaven and earth, Horatio … but none are speedier than Bunchu.

But can Bunchu go to SPACE? Perhaps those rocket-powered turbo skates could allow the robot to take to the skies, but they seem terribly lacking in aerodynamics. This is one of those situations where the problem is, in fact, rocket science. How to solve it? With a bonafide ROCKET. Mr. Oz’s Spacebus is the school bus that I WISH could have taken me to and from my public school education, which, in this case, could have been on the moon.

Po from Kung Fu Panda walked so Logan the Mighty Panda could fly. Why is Logan the Mighty Panda so mighty? Because rather than training for years in the study of martial arts, he decided to bring a gun to the fistfight and blast away his enemies with a forearm-mounted gatling canon. And the best part? This set is a 2-in-1 that can be a two-legged panda warrior or a four-legged panda tank. Now THAT is the superior firepower necessary for victory.

The Never Witch’s Midnight Raven might not have a gatling gun, but it doesn’t need one. One look at this thing is enough to strike terror into the hearts of any Edgar Allen Foe. And the best part? It also doubles as a house! The Never Witch can fly about the world on sable black wings from the comfort of her own domicile! Now that’s what I call a mobile home.
…I apologize.

Zoey and Zian The Cat-Owl are a dynamic duo that trades functionality for form. Sure, Zian doesn’t have a house on its back. But Zian is a CAT OWL. While owls are generally helpful creatures, willing to gift intellectual advice, cats are anything but. With a cat, the only gift you’re getting is its presence. Its beautiful, soft-pawed presence. This astonishing creature knows that that’s enough.

Grimkeeper the Cage Monster is not a beastie that you want to run afoul of, else it’s poised to make a citizen’s arrest and throw you into its gut-clink. You can’t run, because its powerful taloned legs will catch up to you. You can’t hide, because its bat-lantern will find you with its cyclopean eye. All you can do is pray, pray that you have a good lawyer and enough Lego bucks to make brick bail.

This Fantastical Tree House is everything that a young child wishes the tree in their front yard could be. Multiple stylish rooms. A working pulley system. A marriage of form and function adorned with blue wisteria-esque flowers. Not even the included Grimkeeper figure could kill the vibe.

The Nightmare Shark Ship is, depending on the direction your moral compass points, the best or the worst place to live. With turbo engines, shark appendages, and a giant creepy eye, the forces of good will be powerless to run and hide from you. If you’re one of those good forces who owns this shark, you might want to consider hiring an interior (and exterior) decorator. The place gives off a spooky vibe that isn’t on brand with you.

So many fantastic Dreamzzz creatures on this list. Where to keep them all? The Stable of Dream Creatures is your best bet! This set comes chock full with dream beasties that are already paying the rent in the stable, but I’m sure you could stick an addition on the back big enough for the Mighty Panda. Just make sure you’re familiar with all the dream zoning laws first.

Mateo and Z-Blob the Knight Battle Mech is the pinnacle. This 3 in 1 set can turn into a thing can turn into a fighting knight, a futuristic warrior, and a CENTAUR. Why a centaur? WHY NOT. Who needs a Pegasus Flying Horse when your horse has STRONG ARMS with which it can carry WEAPONS? What weapons? A sword. A spear. And a stud shooter. A mecha Hoplite horse being of Greek myth.
Jack Doyle
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