There are plenty of essential oils, each having a different effect on the body. To name a few:

Lavender essential oil is recommended for relaxation. Research has shown it to be a helpful treatment for stress and exhaustion. By diffusing lavender oil, you’ll help put your nervous system in a parasympathetic rest-and-digest state. 

Peppermint, on the other hand, is a popular essential oil to stimulate the mind. Diffusing this oil has mental and cognitive benefits (i.e., improved memory, focus, and concentration). 

Lemongrass is one of Butner’s favorites, specifically for its uplifting and centering effects. “I love using lemongrass oil as an air purifier,” she says. “I like to diffuse this for my acupuncture patients, as well as in my home.” And, according to a clinical study, it can also help mitigate test anxiety

You may recognize the scent of eucalyptus oil, as it’s often used in spas, saunas, gym locker rooms, and wellness clinics. This oil is invigorating, stimulating, and can be fairly potent—which is why it’s best used in a diffuser. “Medicinally, [eucalyptus oil is] great to diffuse when dealing with respiratory issues such as coughs, colds, and excess mucus,” Butner adds.

Caitlyn Martyn

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