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The 70 Songs of Lazy Hazy Summer


When was your laziest, haziest summer? For us, it was our sixteenth. That’s the summer when you’re stacked with freedom (read: a driver’s license) but short on plans. When you’re still at home but no longer a child. (No, you’re an incoming upperclassman.) When the only things that mattered were friends, not getting fired from your summer job, and music. So much music.

To commemorate this peak period of laze and haze, we had our team recount their favorite tracks from their 16th summers. In return, we received a playlist that covers five decades and nearly every genre of music. Is there a cohesive theme? Not in the slightest. Will it put a smile on your face? Absolutely.

Click here to listen to Food52’s Summer of 16 Playlist.

What’s are your favorite songs from your 16th summer? Let us know in the comments below!

Food52 (we cook 52 weeks a year, get it?) is a food and home brand, here to help you eat thoughtfully and live joyfully.



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