We independently select these products—if you buy from one of our links, we may earn a commission. All prices were accurate at the time of publishing.

If you’re renting, live in a small space — or both — it can be a challenge to figure out what to do with everything you own. Renters can’t always make permanent changes to their homes, and small spaces may call for more creative methods of storage so that rooms don’t look cluttered. Kitchens can especially be difficult due to the sheer number of small items that can accumulate from gadgets to snacks, and tossing them into a drawer can’t be the only option. Pantries are convenient, but even those can be tiny depending on where you live.

Fortunately, many pantries have shelves, and where there’s shelving, there may be a solution. Hardware-free storage options are on the rise, which makes it easy to customize how you keep your belongings stored at home since you can make changes whenever necessary. One product that Amazon shoppers have been loving are the Under-Shelf Baskets from Veckle that come in money-saving bundles.

At 14.1 inches by 10 inches, Veckle’s no-drill hanging organizers fit most cabinet shelves that are under 1.3 inches. They slide right onto the shelf, requiring no tools or hardware, and add additional space to maximize storage in any room. “I LOVE these!” said one Amazon shopper, who wished they’d known about the under-shelf baskets earlier. “They saved so much space in the cabinets. I bought one set to try out, then came back to get more in different sizes, and organized all of our kitchen cabinets.” The shelves are available in medium and large sizes, black or white, and even have a stackable option for a multi-level shelving add-on.

In the kitchen, the under-shelf organizers can be used for extra dishes, spices, preserves, and more as long as they’re the right fit. Full-sized cans may be too big to store on it, however, smaller cans, jars, and other containers (like baking powder) clear the 5.2-inch height with ease. “These are great,” read an Amazon review. “I’ve used all four in the set I got. They add so much space for little snacks that are just thrown in there all willy-nilly. I even got the husband’s stamp of approval on how functional and space saving they are. YAY!”

Based on reviews, the sleek Veckle shelves have also been used in bathrooms, laundry rooms, closets, and home offices for everything from storing important files to linens. “These are useful in so many ways in so many rooms,” said one shopper, who offered this suggestion: “Just gotta think outside the box. It’s a great way to make use of dead space, a good investment, and I’ll definitely be purchasing more.”

Buy: Veckle Under-Shelf Pantry Storage (4-Pack), $31.99

Britt Franklin

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