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Teksbotics and Alshrouq Pilot Last-Mile Autonomous Delivery in Saudi Arabia


Teksbotics and Alshrouq Express has started a pilot of last-mile autonomous delivery in the King Abdullah University of Science and Technologies (KAUST). The project objective is to design and build a cost effective autonomous delivery vehicle for the last-mile delivery for e-commerce delivery with the support of National Digital Unit (NDU) of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Press Release

May 18, 2022

Teksbotics is a Hong Kong-based autonomous driving solution provider. The company assists its customers to automate their transportation, delivery and patrol jobs. In this project, Teksbotics is partnering with its Saudi Logistic Partner – Alshrouq Express, which is one of the best last-mile delivery companies serving and 

In this pilot project, a purpose-built last-mile delivery vehicle (UNO Commuter) was designed and developed by Teksbotics in accordance with requirements collected in Saudi Arabia. The autonomous vehicle is equipped with mechanical lidars, semi solid state lidars, camera, dGPS and on-board driving control unit. It provides the daily last-mile delivery services from the KAUST’s campus mail room to the KAUST Island Residence Area.

“This project will permit us to better understand how residents respond to the autonomous deliveries and what will be the user experience and acceptance,” Ahmad Khanfar, Alshrouq Express CEO, said in a statement. “We look forward to seeing how autonomous delivery can work along with Alshrouq to satisfy our company and our customers’ needs.”

Teksbotics is a Hong Kong-based autonomous driving solution provider. The company assists its customers to automate their transportation, delivery and patrol jobs by using self-driving and AI technologies.

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Source: Teksbotics (Asia) Ltd.


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