Road users could be forced to pay a petrol tax to drive through Sydney‘s CBD under a bold measure to reduce carbon emissions – sparking backlash from motorists.
A new green transport strategy adopted by the City of Sydney council recommends lobbying the NSW government to introduce a low emissions zone to encourage a shift to electric vehicles.
The plan has been endorsed by Lord Mayor Clover Moore and councillors as part of the city’s goal of net-zero emissions by 2035.
London introduced a ultra-low emission zone in 2019, and enforces a daily charge of $23.80 for diesel cars and other vehicles, including trucks, that do not meet the required emissions standards.
A tax could be introduced for petrol vehicles driving through Sydney’s CBD as part of a broader strategy adopted by the local council to cut carbon emissions
‘Transport accounts for around 20 per cent of total emissions in our area and a shift to electric vehicles is an important part of our net zero…