Talk Show Host Harvey Brownstone to Make US Debut by Holding Event at NYC’s Stonewall Inn on June 5
NEW YORK, May 4, 2023 (
Canadian author and talk show host Harvey Brownstone will be making his official debut in the US by holding an event on Monday, June 5 from 5-9 p.m. at New York City’s historic Stonewall Inn, the birthplace of LGBTQ Liberation, for an in-depth discussion about his life, careers, and his “Interviews” program.
Just Who is Harvey Brownstone?
For the many residing south of Niagara’s Rainbow Bridge, the celebrity host with an audience of five million+ may not be immediately recognizable, but his legend and impact are unmistakable. The former Canadian judge — that nation’s first openly gay jurist — made history by marrying countless same-sex couples, earning a 2008 Proclamation by New York State Senator Tom Duane. Most notably, Brownstone officiated at the ceremony of Edie Windsor whose union triggered the Supreme Court litigation ushering in legal marriage for LGBTQ people across the U.S.
During his years on the bench, Brownstone also became a best-selling author with the groundbreaking “Tug of War: A Judge’s Verdict on Separation, Custody Battles and the Bitter Realities of Family Court,” leading to numerous appearances in media, but his lifelong desire to host celebrated actors and writers became a reality only following retirement from law. Since its debut in 2021, “Harvey Brownstone Interviews” has counted Louis Gossett Jr., Linda Evans, Sir Tim Rice, Robert Wagner, Louise Sorel, Ruta Lee, and even the elusive 93-year-old Mamie van Doren among his notable guests. The show is broadcast globally on Brownstone’s own YouTube channel as well as XPTV1 throughout the U.K., among other sources. Honoring the show, the Breakfast at Dominique’s fair trade, environmentally friendly coffee company will premiere its “Talk Show Blend,” suited to Brownstone’s specific taste.
Most recently, Grammy-nominated songwriter Harriet Schock (“Ain’t No Way to Treat a Lady”), moved by Brownstone’s “coming out” story, composed “I Am Yours,” a soon-to-be released single by vocalist Gary Lynn Floyd. The event at the Stonewall Inn, the birthplace of LGBTQ Liberation, will anchor Brownstone’s New York City debut with in-depth discussion about his life, careers, and his “Interviews” program. Floyd will fly in to perform “I Am Yours” among other selections, and award-winning mixologist Maria Gentile will be crafting her own version of the Harvey Wallbanger, and further favorite libations.
Event: Harvey Brownstone at the Stonewall Inn
Date: Monday, June 5, 5-9 p.m.
Address: 53 Christopher Street, New York, NY
Admission: Free
More Info:
Harvey Brownstone Interviews website:
“Harvey Brownstone Interviews” YouTube channel:
“Harvey Brownstone Interviews” XPTV1:
“Harvey Brownstone Interviews” Spotify channel:
“Harvey Brownstone Interviews” Apple:
“Harvey Brownstone Interviews” Google:
Gary Lynn Floyd:
Harriet Schock:
Breakfast at Dominique’s Hollywood Blends coffees:
Source: Harvey Brownstone, author & talk show host