Charlotte, North Carolina Local News
Take our poll: What’s your favorite beach town in the Carolinas, and why?
A summer day at North Litchfield Beach on Pawley’s Island.
It’s May in the Carolinas, so it’s officially beach season, right?
It’s also the time of year where I ask you which Carolinas beaches are the best, which makes it one of my favorite times of the year!
In the Carolinas, we not only love our beaches, but we are loyal to them.
A couple of years ago, I told you about how my family had rented the same beach house at North Litchfield for so many years that it became easy to think of it as a second home. Everyone knew which bedroom was theirs, where Mom’s Party Mix was kept and that the outdoor shower needed to be checked for bees before running into it with sandy feet.
We’ve moved on from that beach house (price hike and some other things), but I still look back on it fondly — it’s still “our” beach home.
So many of us from North and South Carolina have similar stories. The beach houses are already booked for travel season, the restaurant reservations are made and it’s just about time to feel that ice cream dripping down your hand as you pedal your rented beach cruiser down the boardwalk, headed for the ocean.
We want to know about your favorite Carolina beaches, where you eat while you’re there and if you go to the same spot or change it up each year. We’ll compile your results and post them in an upcoming story.
Fill out the survey below or send us an email to — let’s talk beaches!
Melissa Oyler
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