[ad_1] When Boeing set out to improve in-flight WiFi, they needed a solution to simulate how human passengers would affect signal strength and distribution. Enter the...
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[ad_1] Before we jump in here, these aren’t just tiny groups of people. These are entire fanbases who have a cult-like, mob mentality about something as...
[ad_1] Did you know that clouds are heavy? Yep, those fluffy, floating fixtures in the sky, hold a heavy secret. It’s a surprising fact that the...
[ad_1] Squirrels’ brains get bigger so they can remember where they buried their nuts. At least, that’s the theory! The Science Behind Squirrels’ Brains Getting Bigger...
[ad_1] Most people would think shooting and killing other humans is a very serious matter and not something that we want to do under any circumstance....
[ad_1] [ad_2] Jon Source link
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[ad_1] At the risk of sounding clinically insane, I actually want to play an “inappropriate” song at my funeral. The song I’ve had in mind for...
[ad_1] In a bizarre turn of events, a female kangaroo recently found herself the protagonist of an unexpected adventure in Ontario, Canada. Born in captivity and...
[ad_1] Everyday on your work commute, you probably think to yourself “My state has the worst drivers ever,” and for some of you, that’s absolutely true....
[ad_1] [ad_2] Elizabeth Source link
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[ad_1] What’s better than spending 9 months at sea with hundreds of people you don’t know? Many, many, many things. Like, soooo many things. Probably most...
[ad_1] Chimpanzees go through menopause? Well, it makes sense considering all our similarities, right? Menopause has been a phenomenon largely associated with human existence. However, recent...
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[ad_1] Artificial intelligence (AI) continues to push the boundaries of what we believe is possible – in fact, now AI predicts human life events. A groundbreaking...
[ad_1] Recent groundbreaking research has uncovered a fascinating facet of human interaction: the power of women’s tears to reduce aggressive behavior in men. The study explores...