[ad_1] Have you ever wondered about what the Bible says about grandparents? We hear a lot of Scripture verses that mention parenting and focus on the...
[ad_1] Unhappiness is a common issue when it comes to marriage. The thing they don’t talk about when you buy that fabulous wedding dress, exchange those...
[ad_1] After reading Genesis 30 this morning, my mind stopped in its tracks on the above phrase in verse 27: “I have learned by experience.” I...
[ad_1] Marriage is tremendously gratifying but obviously a tedious developmental journey. The road to developing a deep connection and mutual understanding is fraught with stumbling blocks,...
[ad_1] May those that love us, love us, and for those that don’t love us, may God turn their hearts, and if he can’t turn their...
[ad_1] When Jesus encountered the woman who was found committing adultery – she had been judged and sentenced to death by stoning – it was Jesus...
[ad_1] Have Christians blurred the line between condoning sin and showing compassion? While many people see this as a thin line, it really isn’t. Condoning sin...
[ad_1] Even though it is the most common chromosomal condition diagnosed yearly, parents are still shocked when they hear their child will be born with Down...
[ad_1] My friend and I were discussing the joys of grandkids when the conversation took a hairpin turn. “I really haven’t said much of anything about...
[ad_1] June is officially the start of Pride Month. For many Christians, this can be a time of uneasiness. While Christians should not accept homosexuality, we...
[ad_1] God’s Word explores many characteristics that the Lord both displays and looks for in His People. One of the most profound of these is gentleness....
[ad_1] No sooner had the words come out of my mouth did I regret them. I knew immediately that I had messed up. As I glanced...
[ad_1] In the Greek version of the Old Testament, the LXX, the word prautes appears 12 times, and 11 times in the New Testament. Here is...
[ad_1] When you think of the significance of fatherhood in the Bible, our greatest example is our heavenly Father. For some, relating to God as Father...
[ad_1] “Do not let your adornment be merely outward – arranging the hair, wearing gold, or putting on fine apparel – rather let it be the...
[ad_1] Without words, my dad faithfully repaired the doorframe every time my teenage angst slammed it off its alignment. No one ever asked him to check...
[ad_1] There are a few missing pieces in the current “love all” movement we are seeing in our culture and churches. This new wave of social...
[ad_1] One of my oldest friends called me the other day to ask her how to “get from Point A to Point B” in her dating...
[ad_1] There have been disagreements, there has been name-calling. There have been times when things got broken, and even a time when someone got pushed into...
[ad_1] Marriage is a sacred covenant created by God. He created men and women to be committed in their marriage until death do they part. This...