[ad_1] March 31, 2023 – Health experts around the country are scrambling to determine which preventive services may no longer be free to patients after after...
[ad_1] Opinion by Saima Wazed, Zain Bari Rizvi (dhaka, bangladesh) Friday, March 31, 2023 Inter Press Service DHAKA, Bangladesh, Mar 31 (IPS) – On the occasion of...
[ad_1] Names marked with an asterisk* have been changed to protect identities. London, United Kingdom – As debates over gender identities rage in the United Kingdom, several...
[ad_1] Newswise — TAMPA (Sunday, March 26, 2023) – After resolving missing data burdens, the ENGOT-OV16/NOVA (NCT01847274) study data shows no difference in overall survival for...
[ad_1] Newswise — INDIANAPOLIS, March 26, 2023 — Black women and others with curly or kinky hair encounter a vast and confusing array of haircare options....
[ad_1] Newswise — TAMPA (Saturday, March 25, 2023) – Clinical trial participation was associated with improved overall survival (OS) compared to no trial participation among women...
[ad_1] Newswise — TAMPA (Saturday, March 25, 2023) – Administering PARP inhibitor (PARPi) olaparib prior to surgical intervention and chemotherapy in ovarian cancer patients with a...
[ad_1] Known by her nickname, Ega was one of 15 women selected to participate in the UN Development Programme-supported Perempuan Inspiratif Mitra Polhut (Inspiring Women to...
[ad_1] About The Study: This case control study found that for female individuals, the loss of abortion rights was associated with a 10% increase in prevalence of...
[ad_1] Newswise — ROCHESTER, Minnesota — A remoção cirúrgica de ambos os ovários está associada a um risco aumentado de Doença de Parkinson e parkinsonismo em mulheres com...
[ad_1] Sex trafficking is an inevitable byproduct of the so-called “sex industry” in the same way lung cancer is an inevitable byproduct of the tobacco industry....
[ad_1] Newswise — يرتبط الاستئصال الجراحي للمبيضين بزيادة خطر الإصابة بداء باركنسون والباركنسونية لدى النساء الأصغر من 43 عامًا، بحسب ما نشره باحثو مايو كلينك في مجلةجاما نتورك اوبن. باستخدام...
[ad_1] New research conducted by The Harris Poll shows women see the need to create their own solutions for financial and emotional well-being. NEW YORK, March...
[ad_1] New research conducted by The Harris Poll shows women see the need to create their own solutions for financial and emotional well-being. NEW YORK, March...
[ad_1] March 17, 2023 – Women may have their own reasons now to adapt the ever-popular Mediterranean diet: It appears to lower the risks of heart...
[ad_1] By Cara Murez HealthDay Reporter FRIDAY, March 17, 2023 (HealthDay News) — Hair loss can be devastating for women, but the condition can also signal...
[ad_1] Women in the health and care sector face a larger gender pay gap than in other economic sectors, earning on average of 24 per cent...
[ad_1] Newswise — The sex hormone estrogen has a negative impact on heartbeat regulation, according to an experimental study from Linköping University, Sweden, published in Science Advances....
[ad_1] March 14, 2023 – Jacqueline Theis, a Virginia-based optometrist, was an avid soccer player during her teens. In the course of her athletic career, she...
[ad_1] Benson Musyoka rides his motorcycle from Kamboo health centre to transport vaccines to Yindalani village. Photo Joyce Chimbi/IPS by Joyce Chimbi (nairobi) Monday, March 13, 2023...