[ad_1] Make a delicious classic patty melt at home in minutes! This patty melt recipe, combines the best of a grilled cheese sandwich and burger, topped...
[ad_1] Chicken Cordon Bleu is a fancy-sounding dish that’s actually easy to make at home. In this recipe, tender chicken breasts, smoky ham and swiss cheese...
[ad_1] With just 5 ingredients, spinach-stuffed chicken breast looks a little fancy, but it’s actually easy to make! Teender chicken breasts are filled with cheesy spinach...
[ad_1] This homemade Reuben casserole is so easy to make! A cozy casserole filled with corned beef, sauerkraut, and buttery cubes of rye are baked with...
[ad_1] Reuben Pizza is an easy and delicious main course or appetizer that will satisfy any hungry family. This family-friendly mashup combines all the meaty, cheesy,...
[ad_1] Mac & cheese meets Reuben sandwich in this creamy casserole! Tender pasta, corned beef, fresh cabbage, and zesty sauerkraut tossed in a quick and easy...
[ad_1] Mac & cheese meets Reuben sandwich in this creamy casserole! Tender pasta, corned beef, fresh cabbage, and zesty sauerkraut tossed in a quick and easy...
[ad_1] Quiet those hungry appetites in a hurry with this recipe for a melty and mouthwatering ham and cheese croissant! Buttery croissants are stuffed with smoky...
[ad_1] This easy cheese fondue recipe is a favorite retro recipe! Swiss and Gruyere cheeses are melted together with a splash of kirsch for a deliciously...
[ad_1] A ham sandwich is a simple pleasure, stacked high with lots of ham, lettuce, tomato, and cheese. We add a tangy honey mustard for the...