[ad_1] On Sunday mornings, we walk into our sanctuary, grab a cup of coffee, and chat with friends. Our friends may ask us how we are...
[ad_1] For some of us, it’s the most difficult word to utter aloud. This powerful word can bring much-needed relief—to our schedule, our daily lives, and...
[ad_1] He sat in the ashes, scraping oozing sores with a pottery shard. Once a wealthy man, Job mourned alone in the city’s trash heap. Following...
[ad_1] Forgiveness is not an option for Christians — the Bible teaches — it’s mandatory. As Jesus teaches in Matthew 6:14-15, “For if you forgive other...
[ad_1] She looked smoking hot and she knew it. Blonde. Curvaceous. Suede stilettos with a way-too-short leather skirt. Beckoning green eyes and a killer smile to...
[ad_1] As Christians, we know the benchmark of our faith is the ability to forgive others when they’ve wronged us. But this is easier said than...
[ad_1] Of all the human relationships we experience, marriage holds the unique power to do and be so much in life. It fills our aspirations before...
[ad_1] I married a Redwood. No, this isn’t a piece on horticulture. I’ll get to your annoyance with immature men later, but may I start by...
[ad_1] There are many phrases used in our culture that we may not completely understand or that might be used as a broad brush label for...
[ad_1] The fourth tip for communicating with an introvert is to choose a quiet, calm setting. Quiet and calm settings help us out in many ways....
[ad_1] “Hidey Ho, Neighbor.” Who doesn’t remember hearing this friendly welcome from next-door neighbor Wilson of the clumsy but endearing Tim Taylor from the popular nineties...
[ad_1] They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer (Acts 2:42). The Day of Pentecost is vitally...
[ad_1] It is so easy to say we trust God in all things and situations. We know we’re supposed to “trust in the Lord with all...
[ad_1] Hope. It’s what we all need more of these days, not only in our personal lives but in our marriages as well. To hope means...
[ad_1] When God said, “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him,” it was for the...
[ad_1] We all experience seasons of feeling discouraged. We go through difficult situations, or something unexpected happens. We know that hard times are just part of...
[ad_1] Growth in marriage sometimes requires us to take a step back in order to move forward in a fresh direction. When we see a negative...
[ad_1] Fathers fill a role in every child’s life that no one else can. This role can significantly impact a child’s development and help shape him...
[ad_1] “Do not be misled: ‘Bad company corrupts good character’” (1 Corinthians 15:33). The word “toxic” evokes an image of something poisonous that poses a danger...
[ad_1] In the book The Five Love Languages, author Gary Chapman helps readers understand their spouses better by revealing the five ways in which they give...