[ad_1] In 2002 a group of friends in Italy started developing an action-platformer with RPG elements for Nintendo’s Game Boy Advance handheld. Then 22 years passed...
[ad_1] Image: BioWare / EA So the first game where I explored the option of romancing the same sex was Fallout 2, you can get married...
[ad_1] Image: Square Enix / Kotaku My life changed forever when I got a copy of Final Fantasy VII in 1997 (losing those discs has haunted...
[ad_1] What do you mean you don’t know what this is? Isn’t it obvious?Image: Impact Acoustics / Kotaku / LUMIKK555 (Shutterstock) 2022 was the year I...
[ad_1] Screenshot: That’s Nice Games Try to imagine something cozier than wearing a big snuggly Christmas jumper, there’s a fire roaring, and you’re calmly and methodically...
[ad_1] Space Quest IV: Carolyn Petit and the Time RippersScreenshot: Sierra Entertainment It must have been Christmas of 1991 that I found Space Quest IV: Roger...