[ad_1] About the author Holly Nilsson is the creator of Spend With Pennies, where she creates easy, comforting recipes made for real life. With a passion...
[ad_1] This hearty baked rigatoni recipe is fast, flavorful, and on the table in minutes. With just a handful of ingredients this easy rigatoni recipe has...
[ad_1] This ground beef casserole is both easy and delicious. Seasoned meat, sauce, noodles, and three kinds of cheese are layered in a casserole dish and...
[ad_1] This recipe for Ravioli Lasagna lets you come home to everyone’s favorite set-it-and-forget-it meal. Slow-cooker lasagna has all the rich and meaty, cheesy goodness of...
[ad_1] Zucchini Parmesan is a delicious twist on the classic that everyone loves. Crispy breaded zucchini slices are topped with marinara sauce and melted cheese for...
[ad_1] Easy, cheesy pepperoni pizza sliders are party-ready in minutes. Layers of pepperoni, pizza sauce, and cheese are layered in Hawaiian rolls and baked under a...
[ad_1] Roll up all your favorite pizza ingredients to create a delicious Stromboli! Ready in 30 minutes, this Stromboli starts with refrigerated pizza dough and fills...
[ad_1] This is the best Buffalo Chicken Dip, perfect for game day – or any other day of the year! If you like Buffalo chicken, you’ll...
[ad_1] These breakfast Egg Muffins are delicious for morning meal prep! Protein-packed and deliciously simple, egg muffins are little handheld egg bites filled with our favorite...