[ad_1] It is clear tobacco is bad for the lungs and body, but what about cannabis? More people are consuming marijuana, and it is taking a...
[ad_1] In a twist of irony, a powerful drug that battles lung cancer might be delivered safer via inhalation versus surgery, injection, and other invasive methods,...
[ad_1] Acceptance of marijuana has grown with the President talking about it positively in his State of the Union address, Missouri doing over $1 billion in...
[ad_1] Health technology is inching closer than ever to Star Trek’s sickbay. The Withings BeamO combines a digital thermometer, a stethoscope, a fingertip electrocardiogram, and a...
[ad_1] Marijuana has mainstreamed and with it, there is a whole bunch of new users. While flower is still popular, vaping and gummies have come in...