[ad_1] Miriam Poma stands in the electromechanical workshop for high-end vehicles that she co-owns in the city of El Alto, adjacent to La Paz, Bolivia. In...
[ad_1] A view of the Altos de Florida neighborhood in Bogotá, Colombia. Overcoming poverty is the first of the Sustainable Development Goals, and in the Latin...
[ad_1] Sara López (C) and other members of the Regional Indigenous and Popular Council of Xpujil are seen here in a photo from 2020, while campaigning...
[ad_1] Opinion by Bibbi Abruzzini (cartagena, colombia) Monday, September 04, 2023 Inter Press Service CARTAGENA, Colombia, Sep 04 (IPS) – In the midst of a complex web...
[ad_1] If production decreases due to El Niño, there will be less food availability, and the income of the most vulnerable households that live and eat...
[ad_1] “Migration is a right,” read the handkerchiefs held by two women at a demonstration in the Argentine capital for migrants’ rights. At left is Natividad...
[ad_1] Marisol and Misael Menjívar pose next to the biodigester installed in March in the backyard of their home in El Corozal, a rural settlement located...
[ad_1] Opinion by Ines M Pousadela (montevideo, uruguay) Monday, July 24, 2023 Inter Press Service MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay, Jul 24 (IPS) – At a meeting with European and...
[ad_1] Ligoria Felipe dos Santos poses for a photo on her agroecological farm that mixes corn, squash, fruits, vegetables and medicinal herbs. She is part of...
[ad_1] Sofía Quispe, the president of Ecorecicladoras de La Paz, finds a good haul of paper and cardboard in a municipal dumpster at the end of...
[ad_1] The shortages of days in the classroom and teachers, and the poverty of their schools and living conditions, provide for a very poor education for...
[ad_1] A view of the Canoas Wind Farm, owned by Neoenergia, the Brazilian subsidiary of Spain’s Iberdrola. Several wind farms with hundreds of turbines have already...
[ad_1] Aerial view of the town of Soufriere in the south of Saint Lucia. Sea level rise is threatening coastal areas of small island developing states...
[ad_1] Credit: Silvia Rodríguez/AFP via Getty Images Opinion by Ines M Pousadela (montevideo, uruguay) Wednesday, July 05, 2023 Inter Press Service MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay, Jul 05 (IPS) –...
[ad_1] While cooking on one side of her wooden tin-roofed house, Mercedes Marcahuachi describes her long day’s work to meet the needs of her household and...
[ad_1] Eronildes da Silva proudly stands next to a bunch of bananas on his farm, whose large size is the result, he says, of the effective...
[ad_1] Perla Venegas is one of 1444 female bus drivers in the surface public transport network in Santiago, Chile, which aims at gender inclusion and offers...
[ad_1] Lucineide Cordeiro loads manure from her two oxen and two calves into the “sertanejo” biodigester that produces biogas for cooking and biofertilizer for her varied...
[ad_1] The expansion towards the mountains of the coastal city of Ensenada, in the northwestern Mexican state of Baja California, stresses the water supply, which is...
[ad_1] Martina Santa Cruz, a peasant farmer from the village of Sacllo in the southern Peruvian Andes highlands department of Cuzco, is pleased with her remodeled...