[ad_1] After turning it out for Loves Lies Bleeding and breaking conservatives’ brains with an extremely hot and gay feature in Rolling Stone, Kristen Stewart is...
[ad_1] It would seem lesbianism is “in the air” of late. At least in mainstream pop culture—something that hasn’t happened much since the days of t.A.T.u....
[ad_1] Image: Neon In the last couple of years, it feels like more big name actors have come into the MCU rather than relative unknowns and...
[ad_1] As far as festival blurbs go, the plot description for filmmaking team Sam and Andy Zuchero’s Love Me is one of the more unique entries,...
[ad_1] When people think of the first Twilight movie, their minds inevitably drift not to an action sequence or special-effects-driven set piece, but to the baseball...
[ad_1] As far as “instant classic” Christmas movies go, the only one to really make a mark in recent years has been Clea DuVall’s Happiest Season...