[ad_1] A new conversation is needed about food production in Africa. Credit: Joyce Chimbi/IPS by Joyce Chimbi (nairobi) Monday, January 16, 2023 Inter Press Service NAIROBI, Jan...
[ad_1] IPBES’ Assessment Report on Diverse Values and Valuation of Nature Report tells of the successful campaign by the Niyamgiri Movement. by Joyce Chimbi (nairobi) Wednesday, November...
[ad_1] Pan-African initiatives to boost food production and research and development could increase yields on farms on the continent. Credit: Joyce Chimbi/IPS by Joyce Chimbi (nairobi) Tuesday,...
[ad_1] Miss World Brazil Letícia Frota and Pragnya Ayyagari, Miss Supranational India agreed that zero leprosy and campaigns to destigmatize the disease should not be sidelined...
[ad_1] Biodiversity is in trouble as the WWF report, 2022 Living Planet Index, indicates that the global wildlife population had decreased by 69 percent since 1970....
[ad_1] Anne Larigauderie, the Executive Secretary of IPBES, with Hoesung Lee, President of the IPCC. IPBES and the IPCC were joint winners of the Gulbenkian Prize...
[ad_1] Experts say pastoralists are at the edge of climate change adaptability due to perennial prolonged dry spells and occasional drought. Credit: Joyce Chimbi/IPS by Joyce...