[ad_1] Opinion by Shihana Mohamed (united nations) Tuesday, September 19, 2023 Inter Press Service UNITED NATIONS, Sep 19 (IPS) – In 2015, the UN’s 193 member states...
[ad_1] According to the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), this represents between $1,179 and $1,383 per person, per year. The study factors in 50...
[ad_1] Since the start of the war, Ukrainian ports in the Black and Azov seas were blocked by Russia and its ports on the Danube River...
[ad_1] Opinion by Ines M Pousadela (montevideo, uruguay) Tuesday, September 19, 2023 Inter Press Service MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay, Sep 19 (IPS) – It’s a year since a photo...
[ad_1] Flashback to a time when women and girls were able to attend school. UNICEF supported Zarghuna Girls School with educational supplies, teachers’ training, and assists...
[ad_1] Credit: Unsplash/Steve Johnson Opinion by A.H. Monjurul Kabir (united nations) Monday, September 18, 2023 Inter Press Service UNITED NATIONS, Sep 18 (IPS) – In 2002, the...
[ad_1] Opinion by Patricia Scotland (london) Monday, September 18, 2023 Inter Press Service LONDON, Sep 18 (IPS) – The author is Commonwealth Secretary-GeneralIn today’s increasingly interconnected world,...
[ad_1] With world leaders set to convene next week for the annual high-level opening of the General Assembly, the UN’s Midtown East campus on the weekend...
[ad_1] “This is not a Vanity Fair. This is a political body in which governments are represented,” he told UN News in an exclusive interview. “What...
[ad_1] A view of the Altos de Florida neighborhood in Bogotá, Colombia. Overcoming poverty is the first of the Sustainable Development Goals, and in the Latin...
[ad_1] A protest for women’s rights in Puebla, Mexico. Credit: Melania Torres/Forus Opinion by Bibbi Abruzzini, Marie LHostis (new york) Friday, September 15, 2023 Inter Press Service...
[ad_1] Youth rally at the UN for climate justice. Credit: Abigail Van Neely/IPS by Abigail Van Neely (united nations) Friday, September 15, 2023 Inter Press Service UNITED...
[ad_1] Liberia is one of the last countries in West Africa to still have vast tracts of forest – but this valuable resource is disappearing at...
[ad_1] Experts are calling on countries to change their policies to protect locally produced products. For example, Nigeria is an exporter of rubber but imports tyres;...
[ad_1] Opinion by Gordon Brown (london) Friday, September 15, 2023 Inter Press Service LONDON, Sep 15 (IPS) – With hope and courage, we must rise to the...
[ad_1] Meticulous attention to planning detail ahead of the session. Credit: Pixabay Opinion by Kenji Nakano (united nations) Friday, September 15, 2023 Inter Press Service UNITED NATIONS,...
[ad_1] Sara López (C) and other members of the Regional Indigenous and Popular Council of Xpujil are seen here in a photo from 2020, while campaigning...
[ad_1] Opinion by Richard Ponzio (washington dc) Thursday, September 14, 2023 Inter Press Service WASHINGTON DC, Sep 14 (IPS) – Another UNGA (UN General Assembly High-Level Week,...
[ad_1] UN Secretary-General António Guterres echoed that message, warning that record temperatures and extreme weather were “causing havoc” around the world. The global response has fallen...
[ad_1] Credit: AFP via Getty Images Opinion by Ines M Pousadela (montevideo, uruguay) Wednesday, September 13, 2023 Inter Press Service MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay, Sep 13 (IPS) – On...