[ad_1] Slow cooker short ribs are melt-in-your-mouth tender and incredibly easy to make. In this recipe, short ribs slow cook in a beefy red wine sauce...
[ad_1] Garlic bread is on repeat in our house—it goes with everything from lasagna to a juicy steak dinner. This garlic bread recipe starts with a French...
[ad_1] This succotash recipe is a fresh and vibrant side or salad. Lima beans, peppers, corn, cherry tomatoes, and bacon are blended and seasoned with salt...
[ad_1] If you’re looking for an easy weeknight dinner that comes together quickly, this is a dinner winner! This shrimp Alfredo recipe has fettuccine noodles tossed...
[ad_1] About the author Holly Nilsson is the creator of Spend With Pennies, where she creates easy, comforting recipes made for real life. With a passion...
[ad_1] There’s a type of garlic that doesn’t have separate cloves; it’s just one solid piece. [ad_2] Source link
[ad_1] Our garlic butter chicken is a super easy stovetop chicken recipe consisting of tender, juicy chicken tenders topped with a garlic butter sauce that is...
[ad_1] Busy weeknights call for a quick sheet pan dinner. Tender chicken breast pieces are baked with veggies and then broiled with a sprinkle of crispy...
[ad_1] With all the flavor and none of the work, this slow-cooker lasagna soup will be in the year-round dinner rotation. This fully loaded crockpot lasagna...
[ad_1] Chicken gnocchi soup is creamy, cozy, and easy to make! This soup is one of my favorites because it’s got a rich flavor and is...
[ad_1] This chicken broccoli rice casserole is a comfort food classic. Chicken and broccoli are baked in a creamy, three-cheese sauce with rice under a crispy...
[ad_1] Pork steak are tender pieces of pork that come together quickly for a weeknight dinner. Seasoned with fresh herbs, skillet pork steaks are served with...
[ad_1] With crispy edges and infused with savory seasonings, sautéed zucchini is the perfect quick side to any dish! Low-carb and low-calorie zucchini squash rounds are...
[ad_1] This hearty baked rigatoni recipe is fast, flavorful, and on the table in minutes. With just a handful of ingredients this easy rigatoni recipe has...
[ad_1] Bright and bold chimichurri sauce adds dramatic deliciousness to so many dishes! This one-and-done tangy sauce is made with fresh parsley, oregano, garlic, oil, and...
[ad_1] Allium sativum var. sativum ‘Polish Red’ Garlic isn’t for everyone. Some people don’t like the spicy pungency. To them I say: ‘Polish Red.’ It’s a...
[ad_1] This recipe for Chicken Francese is as elegant as it is easy to make. Chicken cutlets are lightly breaded and fried and then simmered in...
[ad_1] Fresh tomato sauce is really easy to make. This sauce is packed with the rich and fresh flavor of garden tomatoes, garlic, and herbs. It’s...
[ad_1] This recipe for Ravioli Lasagna lets you come home to everyone’s favorite set-it-and-forget-it meal. Slow-cooker lasagna has all the rich and meaty, cheesy goodness of...
[ad_1] Italian chicken is a fast and flavorful one-pan dinner. Chicken breasts and potatoes are tossed in a flavorful Italian seasoning and roasted alongside veggies for...