[ad_1] In the wake of Austin Animal Center (AAC) closing intake during the busiest sheltering week of the year, Austin Pets Alive! (APA!) is calling on...
[ad_1] More dogs go missing on July 4th than on any other day of the year. [ad_2] Source link
[ad_1] Neonatal kittens. Bottle Babies. Teeny, not yet weaned. However you describe them, whatever you call them, kittens who depend on humans to make it through...
[ad_1] Austin, we can do better. [ad_2] Source link
[ad_1] In a heartfelt endeavor to support senior dogs in shelters, Amanda Stronza has launched Matilda Day, a fundraiser named in honor of her late dog...
[ad_1] Dec 08, 2021 We’ve always known that pets are at greater risk in Texas than in other states. Due to the climate causing more breedings...
[ad_1] Oct 01, 2021 Austin Pets Are in Crisis. Supporting Families Through Partnership Is the Answer.We must work together to keep pets with people and out...
[ad_1] Sep 15, 2021 Keep Austin No Kill Safe in Austin: City Council must act now! Thank you for following APA!’s story up until now. And...
[ad_1] Jul 06, 2021 “His determination to overcome a horrific past and his pure will to reject the aid of a wheelchair was the point that...
[ad_1] Mar 15, 2021 AUSTIN, TX – Texas Pets Alive!, Austin Pets Alive!’s advocacy arm, is excited to announce that House Bill 2510, introduced by Representative...