[ad_1] Cole, Cam, and Justin celebrate the end of the Season 12 with an MF DOOM song draft, selecting DOOM tracks across five categories. Share your...
[ad_1] We continue our season-long dissection of MF DOOM with a two part survey of 2004’s MM..FOOD. We discuss the album’s central concept and themes before...
[ad_1] The Ringer’s Sean Fennessey and Chris Ryan join Cole to draft their favorite Radiohead songs. Each of them must choose one song from every studio...
[ad_1] Acclaimed Radiohead scholar Dr. Brad Osborn joins the show to talk all things Radiohead. We discuss the infamous In Rainbows x OK Computer “binary theory,”...
[ad_1] Our season-long dissection of Radiohead’s In Rainbows continues with its fourth track, “Weird Fishes / Arpeggi”—an incredibly intricate musical arrangement that’s considered among the band’s...