[ad_1] This hearty soup is one your family will love. Loaded with delicious vegetables, pork breakfast sausage, beans and pasta! If you like this recipe, you...
[ad_1] If you love sloppy joes you must try this recipe! It has wonderful reviews, super easy to make and can be made in the crock...
[ad_1] These Crock Pot Cheesy Potatoes are so easy to make and always a hit. They require only a few ingredients and are a wonderful side...
[ad_1] Lima Beans, also known as Butter Beans, are delicious. This easy dish is comfort food at its best and a fantastic way to enjoy a...
[ad_1] Slow Cooker Mississippi Pot Roast is ridiculously tender, flavorful and comforting. A chuck roast cooks low and slow with homemade au jus gravy mix, ranch...
[ad_1] These Three Ingredient Crock Pot Cranberry Smokies are the perfect appetizer and couldn’t be easier to make. The hardest part is opening the can of...