[ad_1] But here’s the ticket: Vitamin C is a vital part of the collagen production process. According to Julia T. Hunter, M.D., founder of Wholistic Dermatology in Beverly...
[ad_1] The key to exfoliation is finding your sweet spot. You don’t want to do it too frequently or with too abrasive products, as you’ll run...
[ad_1] Cravings are fueled by dopamine, says Shah, as opposed to nourishing your body. That said, you can “hack” those cravings by giving yourself a big...
[ad_1] It’s not always the case that what’s good for the gut is equally beneficial for the skin, but in the case of sea vegetables there’s...
[ad_1] It’s simple: A loss of collagen causes wrinkles. But what does collagen have to do with skin aging, anyway? Well, let’s not forget that your...
[ad_1] As any makeup artist will tell you, proper skin prep is crucial; before you even pick up that beauty blender, make sure to use plenty...
[ad_1] Treating something holistically isn’t just for feel good vibes: there’s an art and science to it. The gist is that you can’t properly treat a...
[ad_1] Last but not least: Give yourself ten to fifteen minutes once a week (at least) to massage your face. This one checks multiple boxes—it’s great...
[ad_1] As we age, our skin gets drier. This is just a natural part of the process—as the body slowly produces fewer lipids, humectants, proteins, and...
[ad_1] We love efficient skin care. [ad_2] Hannah Frye Source link
[ad_1] So does collagen replace protein powder entirely? Not exactly. See, the amino acid composition of each of these powders is different—however, collagen does still contain...
[ad_1] Hands deal with a lot—from increased exposure to the environment, hand washing and sanitizing, to just day-to-day physical wear. That’s why the skin on your...
[ad_1] But to go back to the morning sweet treat: If you are someone who likes to add a dash of sugar to your cold brew,...
[ad_1] Not to mention, clinical studies on collagen supplementation and skin hydration show that with regular use, it supports your skin’s hydration levels.* Given that a...
[ad_1] Not to mention, this blend contains 17.7 grams of hydrolyzed collagen peptides as well, all in the same step. Not so bad, huh? And we’d be remiss...
[ad_1] Researchers at the University of Copenhagen investigated a phenomenon by which polyphenols—compounds commonly found in plant foods (including coffee) that are known to fight inflammation2—bind...
[ad_1] I also wasn’t necessarily looking for dramatic changes to my hair when I started this supplement, but much to my delight, my hair has grown...
[ad_1] Look, the main component of hair (about 95% of it, in fact) is the protein keratin. And in order for the body to make keratin,...
[ad_1] Because smoothies aren’t always going to cut it when it’s cold out. [ad_2] Hannah Frye Source link
[ad_1] More often than not, experts advise against a high-glycemic index in the name of skin health, and for good reasons: “High glycemic index and increased...