Home & Garden

10 Ideas to Borrow From Japanese-Inspired Gardens – Gardenista

[ad_1] It’s no coincidence if Japanese gardens remind you of those scene-in-a-shoebox dioramas you made in grade school. A Japanese garden is a miniature world full of abstract shapes–rocks, gravel, and cloud-pruned plants–designed to represent the larger landscape of nature. And Nature. For centuries, Zen Buddhist monks and other Japanese landscaping designers have been trying to provoke deep […]

Home & Garden

Jake Hobson: An Interview with the Founder of Niwaki

[ad_1] Today’s featured guest submitted the most succinct bio we’ve had the pleasure of receiving so far: “I studied sculpture / went to Japan / discovered gardens and tree pruning / founded Niwaki.”  To that we add: became a master of and missionary for cloud pruning (the art of Japanese topiary); introduced Japanese tools, including […]