[ad_1] SAD doesn’t just stand for the standard American diet. There’s a condition known as seasonal affective disorder that is characterized by increased appetite and cravings,...
[ad_1] What did randomized controlled trials of phototherapy—bright morning light—for weight loss find? If weakening our circadian rhythm can cause weight gain, might strengthening it facilitate...
[ad_1] What can shift workers do to moderate the adverse effects of circadian rhythm disruption? Shift workers may have higher rates of death from heart disease,...
[ad_1] Exposure to bright light synchronizes the central circadian clock in our brain, whereas proper meal timing helps sync the timing of different clock genes throughout...
[ad_1] The same meal eaten at the wrong time of day can double blood sugar. We’ve known for more than half a century that our glucose...
[ad_1] Why are calories eaten in the morning less fattening than calories eaten in the evening? One reason calories consumed in the morning are less fattening...
[ad_1] Raw garlic is compared to roasted, stir-fried, simmered, and jarred garlic. Garlic lowers blood pressure, regulates cholesterol, and stimulates immunity. I’ve talked before about its...
[ad_1] A calorie is not a calorie. It isn’t only what you eat, but when you eat. Mice are nocturnal creatures. They eat during the night...
[ad_1] Dairy consumption is associated with years of advanced ovarian aging, thought to be due to the steroid hormones or endocrine-disrupting chemicals in cow’s milk. When...
[ad_1] Breakthroughs in the field of chronobiology—the study of our circadian rhythms—help solve the mystery of the missing morning calories in breakfast studies. Where did this...
[ad_1] Are there benefits to giving yourself a bigger daily break from eating? The reason many blood tests are taken after an overnight fast is that meals...