[ad_1] A sweet potato recipe that is cheesy and buttery with a burst of fresh thyme! If you want a recipe for sweet potatoes that is...
[ad_1] Delicious & The BEST Italian Sauteed Mushrooms Recipe in the world – this is one of my favorite side dishes my mama makes. I remember having...
[ad_1] We love a classic Christmas cookie, but lately we’ve been enjoying new versions of old favorites. We have taken your traditional sugar cookie and transformed...
[ad_1] This Maple Baked Brie is one of the easiest appetizers to prepare. Double cream brie is topped with pure maple syrup and baked, getting all...
[ad_1] Cranberry Küchen is a dessert staple at Christmastime. A sugar cookie-like crust topped with a cinnamon and orange cranberry filling and a vanilla sour cream...
[ad_1] This Leek and Wild Mushroom Stuffing is extremely flavorful and simple to make. A mixture of sautéed shiitake, white button and (reconstituted) porcini mushrooms combined...
[ad_1] This acorn squash recipe is a sweet and savory holiday side dish featuring roasted acorn squash. Toss with herbs and spices, then roast until tender....
[ad_1] In these Bacon Gruyere Popovers, crispy bacon, mildly nutty and creamy gruyere and fresh snipped chives are mixed into a classic popover batter of eggs,...
[ad_1] This easy Sweet Potato Casserole is topped with marshmallows and a brown sugar streusel topping. It’s so easy to make, and kids always love it!...
[ad_1] Roasted Garlic Mashed Potatoes are simple yet packed with lots of flavor. Roasted garlic cloves are mashed with tender redskin potatoes, butter and half &...
[ad_1] Christmas magic cookie bars have a buttery graham cracker crust that is topped with a layer of sweetened condensed milk, then oats followed by a...
[ad_1] Few things say Christmas better than green and red M&Ms! Throw some into these perfectly chewy M&M chocolate chip cookies, and you have festive Christmas...