[ad_1] Ephesians 4:31-32; “Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to...
[ad_1] I was stunned! Fifteen years as an intermediate teacher, and I could count on one hand how many times this had happened. A former student...
[ad_1] Mother’s Day is a wonderful time to honor women who matter in our lives. It’s a chance to tell those who have invested in your...
[ad_1] Mentors are people who teach, guide, and advise others who are younger than them. They normally teach them in areas such as Christian growth, ethics,...
[ad_1] The knife went in, only a bit deeper this time. A friend had spread gossip about me, ruining my reputation and, ultimately, our friendship. The...
[ad_1] Words are powerful. Words can build a person up or tear a person apart. Proverbs 18:21 tell us, “Words kill, words give life; they’re either...
[ad_1] Interestingly, Jesus chose 12 young men who, at the time, had no real relationship with God. They resided within the fringe of religiosity. They were...
[ad_1] The last step is to just say yes and forgive. As Nike would say, “just do it.” However, when you forgive, do it sincerely and...
[ad_1] My children have been blessed to have consistent, weekly, sometimes daily interaction with their grandparents. But unfortunately, this isn’t always a gift for some families....
[ad_1] All the fixings of a pasta dinner were nearly ready when my phone chirped at me again. It was Chris, he texted me how he...
[ad_1] What is quiet time? It is a designated time set apart from your busy day to connect with God. It can include many different elements...
[ad_1] One night, my husband and I were standing together, examining the items on a store shelf. I noticed a man walking up pretty close to...
[ad_1] Becoming a grandparent is a milestone event that brings many blessings. However, when you find yourself in this role relatively young, you might wonder if...
[ad_1] “I don’t feel close to my husband,” Jane said to me, her husband sitting right next to her. She had shared this in response to...
[ad_1] I come from a long line of family members who use sarcasm as a regular part of conversation. Most of the time, it’s not used...
[ad_1] I am truly so happy for you. You get to live life with only the common fears and worries that come with reality being reality....
[ad_1] Adultery is a biblical ground for divorce and as such the person who has remained faithful in the marriage is free to remarry. I will...
[ad_1] He is risen. He is risen indeed! Easter celebrates the pinnacle of our Christian faith, the risen Christ. We owe a debt to God because...
[ad_1] Jesus said to His disciples, “No longer said do I call you servants, but I have called you friends” (John 15:15). Before Jesus went to...
[ad_1] One day, when a conversation about completing chores quickly turned into a fight resulting in criticism and blame, I realized something: Although I had no...