[ad_1] Dinnertime just got a whole lot easier! With this premade meal plan take the stress out of meal time. Each recipe is ready in 30...
[ad_1] About the author Holly Nilsson is the creator of Spend With Pennies, where she creates easy, comforting recipes made for real life. With a passion...
[ad_1] Indulge in these delicious monster cookies that are not only gluten-free, but also loaded with oats, chocolate chips, M&M’s, and peanut butter. They are so...
[ad_1] This is a deliciously decadent quick bread. This Chocolate Zucchini Bread recipe is packed with rich chocolatey flavor with lots of goodness from zucchini and...
[ad_1] Magic cookie bars are a favorite for any occasion. Sweetened condensed milk is drizzled over a buttery graham cracker crust, chocolate chips for an easy...
[ad_1] Peppermint Double Chocolate Cookies have a rich chocolate taste and are infused with peppermint. They’re dipped in chocolate and sprinkled with crushed candy canes for...
[ad_1] Everyone loves an easy dessert dip and this cannoli dip tops the list. A delicious blend of cream cheese, ricotta cheese, and chocolate chips make...
[ad_1] This Buckeye recipe is the star of every cookie plate. Buckeyes are a delicious no-bake peanut butter ball dipped in chocolate. If you like peanut butter cups,...
[ad_1] This rocky road recipe is one of the easiest treats to make! Chocolate and peanut butter are tossed with nuts and marshmallows. Simply chill, slice,...
[ad_1] Indulge in the ultimate dessert with this cookie dough cheesecake recipe! Creamy cheesecake batter is fukked with chocolate chip cookie dough balls in a crunchy...
[ad_1] Chocolate crinkle cookies are a holiday fave, but they’re so delicious that you’ll bake them all year long. Rolled in powdered sugar, these moist, cakey...