[ad_1] Secretary-General António Guterres (second from right) visits Tonga, where he attended the Pacific Islands Forum. Credit: UN Photo/Kiara Worth by Catherine Wilson (sydney & nuku’alofa) Friday,...
[ad_1] Andiswa Mlisa, Principal Advisor – Business Development, PIRMO at SPC giving a demo at the Digital Earth Pacific launch. Credit: SPC by Catherine Wilson Monday,...
[ad_1] Shu’fat refugee camp is home to 120,000 Palestinian refugees on the outskirts of East Jerusalem in the occupied West Bank. Photo credit: Jawad Al Malhi...
[ad_1] Rt. Hon Patricia Scotland, Secretary-General of the Commonwealth, visited the Pacific Island nation of Vanuatu in April to discuss climate justice and witnessed the impacts...
[ad_1] Most vendor tables are empty in the large fresh produce market in Vanuatu’s capital, Port Vila, due to the widespread devastation of food gardens and...
[ad_1] Corals and coral reefs are found around the islands and atolls of the Pacific. In Vanuatu, the government, with the support of SPC, implemented a...