[ad_1] Drinking water can be a safe, simple, and effective way to prevent yourself from fainting. Within three minutes of drinking a few cups of water...
[ad_1] Implausible explanations for the obesity epidemic serve the needs of food manufacturers and marketers more than public health and an interest in truth. When it...
[ad_1] Like the tobacco industry adding extra nicotine to cigarettes, the food industry employs taste engineers to accomplish a similar goal of maximizing the irresistibility of...
[ad_1] The power of the “eat more” food environment can overcome our conscious controls. Food and beverage companies frame body weight as “a matter of personal...
[ad_1] We all like to think we make important life decisions, like what to eat, consciously and rationally, but if that were the case, we wouldn’t...
[ad_1] The unprecedented rise in the power, scope, and sophistication of food marketing starting around 1980 aligns well with the blastoff slope of the obesity epidemic....
[ad_1] Why are U.S. taxpayers giving billions of dollars to support the likes of the sugar and meat industries? The rise in calorie surplus sufficient to...
[ad_1] The rise in the U.S. calorie supply responsible for the obesity epidemic wasn’t just about more food, but a different kind of food. The rise...
[ad_1] We have an uncanny ability to pick out the subtle distinctions in calorie density of foods, but only within the natural range. The traditional medical...
[ad_1] Rather than being some kind of disorder or a failure of willpower, weight gain is largely a normal response by normal people to an abnormal...
[ad_1] The “fat gene” accounts for less than 1 percent of the differences in size between people. To date, about a hundred genetic markers have been...
[ad_1] The common explanations for the cause of the obesity epidemic put forward by the food industry and policymakers, such as inactivity or a lack of...
[ad_1] SAD doesn’t just stand for the standard American diet. There’s a condition known as seasonal affective disorder that is characterized by increased appetite and cravings,...
[ad_1] What did randomized controlled trials of phototherapy—bright morning light—for weight loss find? If weakening our circadian rhythm can cause weight gain, might strengthening it facilitate...
[ad_1] What can shift workers do to moderate the adverse effects of circadian rhythm disruption? Shift workers may have higher rates of death from heart disease,...
[ad_1] Exposure to bright light synchronizes the central circadian clock in our brain, whereas proper meal timing helps sync the timing of different clock genes throughout...
[ad_1] What are the effects of eating only five days a week or following a fasting-mimicking diet five days a month? Instead of eating every other day,...
[ad_1] Alternate-day modified fasting is put to the test for lifespan extension. Is it true that alternate-day calorie restriction prolongs life? Doctors have anecdotally attributed improvements...
[ad_1] Eating every other day can raise your cholesterol. Are there any downsides to fasting every other day? For example, might go all day without eating impair...
[ad_1] Does eating every other day prevent the metabolic slowing that accompanies weight loss, or does it improve compliance over constant, day-to-day caloric restriction? Rather than...