[ad_1] Dinnertime just got a whole lot easier! With this premade meal plan take the stress out of meal time. Each recipe is ready in 30...
[ad_1] This chicken enchilada recipe is a family favorite. These enchiladas are simple and delicious—cooked chicken, mild chiles, and cheese wrapped in corn tortillas, smothered in...
[ad_1] About the author Holly Nilsson is the creator of Spend With Pennies, where she creates easy, comforting recipes made for real life. With a passion...
[ad_1] With all the flavor and none of the work, this slow-cooker lasagna soup will be in the year-round dinner rotation. This fully loaded crockpot lasagna...
[ad_1] This easy one-pot wonder is on the table in less than 30 minutes from start to finish! Cajun Shrimp Pasta has cajun spiced shrimp, bell...
[ad_1] This Italian inspired tortellini salad recipe is a full meal deal! Tortellini, salami, cheese, and veggies are tossed in Italian dressing for a hearty pasta...
[ad_1] Summer is the perfect time to enjoy grilled vegetables. Mix and match your favorite summer veggies, toss in a zesty marinade, and grill on the...
[ad_1] Dinnertime just got a whole lot easier! With this premade meal plan take the stress out of meal time. Save time and money while being...
[ad_1] Stuffed Pepper Soup is an inexpensive and delicious soup that will warm your belly from the inside out. A fun twist on a traditional stuffed...
[ad_1] This lasagna soup recipe is a delicious soup with all of the flavors of our favorite lasagna recipe. Zesty Italian sausage is simmered in a...
[ad_1] You will be amazed at how much hearty flavor this black bean soup recipe has. Black beans are slowly simmered in broth with veggies and...
[ad_1] This is by far my favorite holiday recipe. This easy overnight breakfast casserole has lots of bacon and cheese in an easy strata style dish....
[ad_1] Pasta with Peas, Ham and Red Bell Peppers | Kitchen Nostalgia *Kitchen Nostalgia is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate...