[ad_1] Dear Readers: To mark my final week writing this column, I’m re-running some memorable Q&As. Dear Amy: I am in the most loving relationship with...
[ad_1] Dear Amy: My 83-year-old widowed mother is depressed, and I don’t know how to help. She refuses to see a therapist and sees drugs as...
[ad_1] Dear Amy: Which is the default position regarding asking for help versus offering to help? For instance, let’s say I’m at work and someone walks...
[ad_1] Dear Amy: My wife and her sister “Bobbi” have stopped speaking to each other over a disagreement that has now lasted for more than two...
[ad_1] Dear Amy: I am a divorced mom in my early-30s, with primary custody of my 8-year-old child. I have been dating “Ben” for the past...
[ad_1] Dear Amy: My boyfriend’s dad is a CPA, with decades of experience. A few years ago he offered to do my taxes, due to the...
[ad_1] Dear Amy: I have a lot of hesitation about a visit by my brother and sister-in-law this summer. They live out of state and last...
[ad_1] Dear Amy: “Liz” and I worked together for a short time nearly 20 years ago. She was excellent at her work and was an officer...
[ad_1] Dear Amy: I live four hours from my elderly widowed mother. I will be in her area for a week very soon doing some work,...
[ad_1] Dear Amy: My husband and I have a very sweet 8-year-old son. His dad and I adore him. We’re having a great time going through...
[ad_1] Dear Amy: My father is on the far side of a debilitating and eventually terminal neurological disorder. He’s not able to dress himself anymore, his...