[ad_1] “Never make light of the king, even in your thoughts. And don’t make fun of the powerful, even in your own bedroom. For a little...
[ad_1] July 3rd, 2024, marks my husband Ben’s and my first year of marriage. Most people look forward to celebrating fireworks on the 4th, but the...
[ad_1] We had a showdown at MC Wholesale the other day. Pull out the tumbleweeds and gun fire and we would’ve had a fight. This wasn’t...
[ad_1] The last couple of summers I have hosted a teen Bible study where we have opened The Word and saturated ourselves with a certain book...
[ad_1] Today marks three months since my husband and I got married. I wish I could tell you that time slows down, but the old adage...
[ad_1] Since getting married, Ben and I have been exploring options for our new church. Not that we wanted to leave our former church, but the...
[ad_1] About a month ago, Ben and I got married under the bliss of sheltered trees and blazing sun. The day was magical and whimsical, the...
[ad_1] In a quick Google search, it’s estimated that only about 18% of people save their first kiss for marriage. Concluding the number of weird looks...
[ad_1] I’m getting married this week, and to say I’m overwhelmed is an understatement. From last-minute preparations to never-ending questions, I think my head might pop...
[ad_1] “Kind words are like honey—sweet to the soul and healthy for the body” (Proverbs 16:24 NLT). “Miss. Ginter is a hypocrite.” The survey form mocked me...
[ad_1] Seventy-five days remain until I change my name from Miss to Mrs. As chaos surrounds me, so do the blessings. I’m overwhelmed with the changes...
[ad_1] From an early age, Mom and Grandma taught me the importance of blessing others without getting something in return. Every week, or every other week...
[ad_1] As a little girl, I grew up watching Disney princesses and Hallmark movies. From princes and princesses to kings and queens, I quickly built up...
[ad_1] During my college years, I was one of the most involved students on campus. From working in the Writing Center to being a reporter for the...
[ad_1] I remember the day I got saved like no other. My dad and I used to stay up late playing video games, and on one...