Pop Culture
Syd Palmieri Talks Breakups And New Track “INSANE” With Popdust
Syd Palmieri’s new track “INSANE” takes us inside the experience of someone in a new relationship, who yet, is still not over their ex. A frustrating, infuriating feeling, leaving the relationship in a place in which they can’t fully connect with a significant other because they aren’t 100% invested.
For Syd, who typically writes from her own personal perspective, it’s enough to drive a person insane. After penning the track and working alongside the legendary Keith Thomas – who has worked with big names in the industry like Selena and Whitney Houston – she created the perfect breakup anthem.
With an Evanescence/Paramore sound, it’s a little different than anything Syd has done before. However, channeling the rage and anger she felt helped her treat this situation as a learning experience. Syd’s hoping she can help others work out their emotions by relating to the song.
@sydneypalmieri JAN 20th ‼️
♬ INSANE Syd – Syd Official
As far as getting over those tough breakups, Syd advises everyone to block exes and even their friends. She’s found success in getting over someone by not seeing what they’re doing – or who they’re with – for six months.
You may recognize Syd Palmieri from her covers on L’Officiel, UNTITLED, or JEZ Magazine alongside Tayler Holder, but what’s more important to Syd is that her music shows who she truly is inside. In our exclusive interview with Syd, she shares that she values her music because it can’t be as superficial as looks.
Syd Palmieri is quickly becoming a rising star with her presence on social media, activity in the fashion industry, and her powerful vocals mixed with handwritten lyrics and catchy beats. Her new single is one we can all relate to –
and one we have on repeat endlessly.
Syd Palmieri is releasing her new single “INSANE” exclusively with Popdust! Listen here:
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Jai Phillips
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