Learn how to make Sweet Potato Purée with this easy recipe. Whether it’s for sweet or savory recipes or for baby food, this is the easiest way to whip up healthy all-natural sweet potato purée.

Whether it’s for baking, cooking or for making baby food, simply follow these basic steps to make a simple sweet potato purée! All you need is a blender or food processor! Save your money and make it yourself!

Ways To Use Sweet Potato Purée:

  • is a great first food for baby
  • sweet potato cornbread
  • use in soups or add to chili
  • whisk into french toast or pancake batter

sweet potatoes bowl

For This Recipe You Will Need:

  • sweet potatoes1 pound of sweet potatoes should yield 2 cups puree.

clean and pat dry your sweet potatoes before placing on a rimmed baking sheet

Pre-heat your oven to 400°.

Grab a few sweet potatoes or yams and wash them thoroughly. Pat the sweet potatoes dry and place on a rimmed baking sheet.

baked sweet potatoes

Bake on the middle rack of your preheated oven (with the skin on) for 40 – 60 minutes depending on the size. The sweet potatoes I’m using were on the smaller side and were perfectly tender at the 40 minute mark. You can test the doneness by using a fork, if you meet any resistance when inserting it into the thickens part, it will need to bake for longer or until the fork easily glides through the skin and flesh.

Once cooked, remove and let cool until safe to handle.

Alternatively, you can steam the sweet potatoes in a large steamer that’s set over simmering water until the flesh is tender.

peel sweet potatoes

Peel or Not To peel?

For Purée:

If making purée, I suggest peeling the sweet potato once baked and when it’s safe to handle.

For Baby Food:

When making baby food, I leave the skin on because it contains fiber. Cut the sweet potato into larger pieces and purée it in a blender or food processor. You might have to add some warm water to thin it out to use as a first food.

However if an older toddler can handle thicker consistencies, purée for less time to give the puree more texture.

cut sweet potatoes and place into your food processor fitted with the blade attachment.

Moving on to the purée:

Then cut the peeled sweet potato into large pieces.

blend until smooth

Secure the lid to the food processor and blend the sweet potatoes until smooth.

Sweet Potato Puree

How To Freeze Sweet Potato Purée:

Allow the purée to cool completely. Store desired amount in an air-tight container and refrigerate or freeze. If freezing, measure out 2 to 4 tablespoons into freezer safe bags or containers. If using baggies, be sure to remove as much air as possible and lay the bags flat while freezing.

How Long Will Sweet Potato Purée last?

If stored properly, sweet potato purée should last 3 days in the fridge and 2 to 4 months in the freezer.

How To defrost Purée:

You can defrost in the microwave or run the bag under lukewarm water until thawed.

Sweet Potato Puree

How to Freeze Sweet Potato Purée For Baby Food:

Double this recipe and make the purée following the “baby food instructions”. Portion the purée into ice cube trays. Then cover with foil and freeze until completely frozen. Once frozen, store the cubes in a large, freezer-safe container.

How To Reheat Purée For Babies or Toddlers:

Defrost slightly and reheat in a sauce pan or microwave in a microwave safe bowl, whichever you prefer. ALWAYS test the temperature of the purée to avoid burn the baby or child.

How to Adjust Thickness of Purée for Baby Food:

Adjust thickness according to the stage your infant/toddlers is at by how long you process the purée. Thinner (by adding warm water) for infants and thicker (leave it more chunky) for toddlers who can handle a thicker consistency.

Sweet Potato Puree

Enjoy! And if you give this method a try, let me know! Snap a photo and tag me on twitter or instagram!

Sweet Potato Puree

Yield: 4 servings

Roasted Sweet Potato Purée

An easy guide to making homemade roast sweet potato purée.

  • 1 pound sweet potatoes, washed and patted dry
  • Preheat your oven to 400°.

  • Scrub your sweet potatoes and pat dry before placing on a rimmed, metal baking sheet.

  • Roast 40 minutes to 1 hour or until fork tender. All to cool until safe to handle.


  • Once cooled, peel the sweet potatoes and cut into large pieces. To the bowl of your food processor (fitted with the blade attachment), add the sweet potato pieces. Secure the lid and process until smooth.


  • Leave the skin on and cut into large pieces. To the bowl of your food processor (fitted with the blade attachment), add the sweet potato pieces. Secure the lid and process until smooth. You might need to add some warm water to thin out the puree for a first food

Serving: 0.5cup, Calories: 97kcal, Carbohydrates: 23g, Protein: 2g, Fat: 1g, Saturated Fat: 1g, Polyunsaturated Fat: 1g, Monounsaturated Fat: 1g, Sodium: 62mg, Potassium: 381mg, Fiber: 3g, Sugar: 5g, Vitamin A: 16031IU, Vitamin C: 3mg, Calcium: 34mg, Iron: 1mg

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Laurie McNamara

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