Dating & Love
Surge in demand for LGBTI+ supports, reports the Sexual Health Centre — No Bias, No Judgement, No Exception
Annual report 2020
Surge in demand for LGBTI+ supports, reports the Sexual Health Centre
Demand for sexual health support for members of the LGBTI+ community saw a 37% increase last year, the Sexual Health Centre has noted in its Annual Report for 2020. The Centre introduced the dedicated LGBTI+ sexual health support service in 2019 to provide guidance on healthy relationships, sexual issues, sexual function, orientation, risk, and ‘coming out’. These services were of particular importance due to the pandemic and the isolation experienced by many throughout the year.
In line with public health guidance, the Sexual Health Centre adapted its counselling services, using phone and video calls. Counselling sessions for people living with HIV saw a 60% increase in demand in 2020. The Centre also provided virtual crisis pregnancy counselling, online information campaigns, and sexual health workshops for young people, LGBTI+ people, members of marginalised communities, professionals, and the wider community.
Ciarán Lynch, Chairperson of the Sexual Health Centre, highlighted the efforts made to adapt these services in 2020:
“Our remote counselling and health promotion services have been crucial to maintaining the community’s sexual health during an exceptionally challenging time for many.
“By taking stringent health and safety measures at our premises on 16 Peters Street, we were able to continue providing rapid HIV testing and pregnancy testing for much of the year.”
Communications & Engagement Lead, Olivia Teahan, noted the commitment of the Sexual Health Centre’s team in responding to clients’ needs:
“While the format of our service delivery transformed significantly in 2020, our end goal remained the same – to facilitate positive sexual health outcomes for the people of Cork.”
A number of new initiatives were launched by the Centre. Following the first announcement of pandemic-related restrictions, a free condom postal service was immediately launched, along with a number of responsive public information campaigns. The Sex and Love Therapy (SALT) programme, led by Donal Clifford, transferred into the organisation during the year to support people with concerns in relation to problematic sexualised behaviour. A free e-learning platform for youth workers and other professionals, ‘WISE Online’ was launched in December by Minister for Children, Disability, Equality, Integration and Youth, Roderic O’Gorman TD. This comprehensive, user-friendly programme has proved invaluable for those delivering Relationships & Sexuality Education.
The Centre’s collaborative partnerships went from strength to strength throughout the year. In partnership with Cork ETB (Education & Training Board) the Centre launched Ireland’s first community-based Sexual Health Hub for young people at Youth Work Ireland Cork’s ‘Hut’ in Gurranabraher. A collaboration with GOSHH (Gender, Orientation, Sexual Health, HIV) and SWAI (Sex Workers Alliance Ireland) saw the Centre produce a COVID-19 information card for street-based sex workers. With the support of Healthy Ireland, the Health Service Executive and, the Centre adapted its annual World AIDS Day run, to host the first national virtual event of its kind. As part of the Sexual Health Network, the Centre launched the ‘#AFewHomeTruths’ campaign on billboards in Cork city to raise awareness of various sexual health issues and support services.
Ms. Teahan noted that “partnership has always been central to our work, but particularly so in 2020. The changes that came with the pandemic left many people without the support and information needed to make healthy decisions. Collaborating with our partners locally and nationally has ensured that the wider community can continue to access vital sexual health services.”
Contact: Communications & Engagement Lead, Olivia Teahan – 086 138 1994
Sexual Health Centre
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