Like a pig farm owned by farmer Jones, whose pigs are fed and bred under Mr. Jones’s supervision, US women’s bodies have become the breeding property of the State. Women no longer have the right or freedom to choose. The Supreme Court passed laws to take over the supervision of US women’s bodies.
If one is female, born or living in the US, Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.
Forget the right or the need of a 10-year-old to have an abortion after being raped. Alternatively, a mother of 8 children becomes pregnant again. According to the Supreme Court and the State, the mother has to have child number 9.
Justice Clarence Thomas also expressed views of taking away birth control from women. So that mother of 9 can give birth to numbers 10, 11, and who knows how many more.
“Keep the bitch in the kitchen tied to the sink.”
Even though he travels the world on private jets, hangs out with deep-pocket Republican donors, and stays at exclusive clubs and hotels, seeming altruistic, Clarence Thomas appears to have a distinct lack of respect for a woman’s judgment.
Do not claim it is a respect for life! If so, Clarence Thomas would never eat a steak, pork chop, or hot dog.
Some men believe women are like A Hang Town Fry: Beautiful to look at, enjoy the feast, then turn them into servants or their mommy substitute.
Furthermore, the Supreme Court and the State agree.
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