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Supermom In Training: I’ve reached a new level of exhaustion


I’m tired. But not yawn-and-stretch tired. Like numb.

I dunno why. Maybe it’s the change of seasons. Although we’ve had incredibly warm fall weather, I’m feeling blah. 

We’ve had a lot of visitors lately, and hockey season keeps us going 3-4 times a week at arenas all around our area. It was Halloween and I (as always) overdo it with the themed food, decorations, etc. I really want to get ahead on my Christmas shopping because I like December to be a month where I can instead focus on all the fun get-togethers and activities rather than frantically shopping. I’m working out my son starting sacrament classes with church. I’m helping take care of my 91-year-old grandfather. I volunteer at my son’s school one morning a week and have been helping with book repairs at home. I’ve got an energetic pup who needs his exercise and attention. My husband works different shifts at all hours of the day and night, so I’m the one keeping everything organized and going at home. There’s a lot of meal prep and lunch-making. Oh, and I have this thing where I work full-time too.

And I feel burnt. I’m sick of grocery shopping and making the same boring meals for lunch and dinner, but I don’t have the “oomph” to come up with anything “different” at the moment. I have passion projects like book writing and podcasting on the back burner because I don’t have the creative juice for them by the end of the day. I’ll realize I haven’t chatted with a close friend in weeks because the days are rushing by in monotony.

I know I’m not the only one. In fact, I’d venture a guess that almost every parent reading this could also write a paragraph-long rant about all the balls they’re juggling simultaneously like me. But it feels good to let it out. Cathartic. 

How are you doing? Need to rant for a minute? Rant away in the comments… I’m listening. 

A full-time work-from-home mom, Jennifer Cox (our “Supermom in Training”) loves dabbling in healthy cooking, craft projects, family outings, and more, sharing with readers everything she knows about being an (almost) superhero mommy.


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