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Supermom In Training: 5 Reasons I wanted just one child


I said it during my entire pregnancy, but don’t we all: “I’m never doing this again.” But when I said never, I actually growled it. Truth be told, I kinda knew deep down, while I felt the bean rolling around in there, that I really wasn’t going to do it again. Not because it wasn’t a good experience – I was lucky enough to have a really easy, textbook pregnancy. Even the delivery was pretty straightforward – despite two epidurals not working, everything happened within a tolerable amount of time with no complications. 

But I only wanted to have one kid. That’s it. And so did my husband. Here’s why.

– We felt complete. We already had a fur baby when the bean was born, and our cozy little family felt right with our single addition. We didn’t feel like we were missing anything (or anyone). Three plus a pup was what our family was meant to be.

– I felt complete. I always have to experience everything once: the crazy waterslide, the terrifying roller coaster, the strange exotic raw food. But then I’m done. I’ve earned my bragging rights. I have my Facebook profile pic. Drop the mic – this kid is outta here! Same with having my bean – yes, I really wanted to know what it was like to be pregnant and feel a baby kick, and experience the first time you hold your son or daughter. But once I did it, I was good. Check!

– We started late. I had my son in my mid-30s, and truth be told, the sleepless nights were much more wearing than had they been when I was in my 20s. I had sleepless nights in my 20s anyway and I bounced back pretty easily. By my mid-30s, sleep was a hot commodity, and the idea of doing an infant schedule while having a toddler or child as I closed in on 40 seemed way past its expiration date.

– I would’ve had to sacrifice my career. I’m self-employed and work from home, so mat leave pay wasn’t an option. Not to mention my office is at home, and with two kids, or even just the newborn at home during the day, lets just say it doesn’t create the most conducive working environment. Problem is, when you’re a freelance writer, no editor is going to hold your job till you come back from a maternity break. I had somehow manged to balance and continue to build my writing business with my son being born, but two would’ve completely tipped the scales. And, while this may be controversial or selfish or whatever to other parents, my career is important to me. Family always comes first, but I’ve had a passion for writing since kindergarten, and I am so proud of the writing career I’ve managed to build in such a tumultuous time in print journalist. So, my job played a pretty big role in deciding whether to have another child. 

– We had no room in our house. Logistically, it just would have completely overcrowded our home. And I would’ve lost my home office/craft room. Not gonna happen!

A full-time work-from-home mom, Jennifer Cox (our “Supermom in Training”) loves dabbling in healthy cooking, craft projects, family outings, and more, sharing with readers everything she knows about being an (almost) superhero mommy.


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