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Supermom In Training: 5 Places to go in November


On an episode of Suburban Parents Talk, we discussed things to do in November. There’s just something usually dreary about this month – it’s sandwiched between Halloween and the holidays, the weather is unpredictable, it feels too late to do fall stuff but too early to do Christmasey stuff. It made me think of some easy, fun things to do during this blah-ish month – here are 5 places to go in November.

Markets. We love fruit and veggie markets. We live on the South Shore where there are a lot of cute little one-off shops in farming areas, but we also love Atwater and Jean-Talon markets. It’s a great opportunity to pick up fresh, delicious produce and homemade goods, plus it’s always wonderful to support local too.

Mall walking. We hit Promenades Saint-Bruno this week and all the holiday decorations are up, sales are happening, but there aren’t any crowds (yet). Take advantage of this quieter shopping time to wander the mall, get an ice cream or a cappucino, and maybe even get a headstart on holiday shopping.

Hikes. November always has its random warmer days, so soak them in by going on a nice family stroll. There are lots of parks, both big and small, to explore. Seek out a new one you’ve never been to: Beaver Lake, Lakeshore, Ste. Anne de Bellevue, Mont Saint-Hilaire, etc.

Last picking of the season. Yep- there’s still fresh produce out there to be picked and enjoyed. So, don’t let them spoil – get your hands on the last of the apples, pumpkins, squash, and cauliflower. 

Library. Reading is a great way to pass the time when it’s cold and blustery outside, and what better time to get back into the habit than now? Frequent your local library and keep a rotating collection of great titles at-hand. 

A full-time work-from-home mom, Jennifer Cox (our “Supermom in Training”) loves dabbling in healthy cooking, craft projects, family outings, and more, sharing with readers everything she knows about being an (almost) superhero mommy.


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