STFU, Go To Prison: Sobbing White Woman Found Guilty Of Murder For Chasing Down Black Man Following Hit-And-Run
These white folks truly believe that they are judges, juries, and executioners who have been ordained by society to mete out justice in the streets.
According to Law & Crime, in May 2019, Hannah Payne witnessed an accident in which 62-year-old Kenneth Herring ran a red light and made a collision with another vehicle in Clayton County, GA near Atlanta. After staying on the scene of the accident for approximately 15-20 minutes, Herring left, and Payne was not involved. However, the caucasian do-gooder thought that she should inject herself into the situation on some Batgirl s**t. Despite being told multiple times by the 911 operator NOT to engage in a pursuit, that’s exactly what Payne did under the guise that she believed Herring was intoxicated.
“He is drunk. I’m not,” Payne told the dispatcher before the fatal confrontation. “I’m sorry, but I’m here to tell you I’m not not going to follow him because he is going to cause an accident.”
That pursuit led to Payne blocking Herring’s vehicle with her car, running up on him “very aggressively”, cursing at him, punching him, pulling out her gun, and threatening to shoot him TWICE before ultimately pulling the trigger and taking his life. Payne was subsequently charged with murder and one month later was charged with several other felony crimes connected to the killing.
Yesterday, according to Fox 5 Atlanta, a jury only needed 2 hours to decide on Payne’s fate. They found her guilty of every single charge against her including, felony murder, malice murder, aggravated assault, false imprisonment, and three charges of weapons possession during a crime. Payne wept as the verdict was read…
Part of Payne’s defense was that somehow Herring shot himself with her gun as the two wrestled in traffic. That premise was particularly galling and offensive to the family of the deceased and they made their feelings clear when the court was adjourned.
“When I heard the first verdict tears started rolling down my face because at that moment I felt relief,” said Herring’s sister, Jacqueline Herring.
“I think it’s selfish to blame the victim when you were the aggressor,” Herring’s sister, Vickie Herring explained outside court.
A sentencing hearing will be held on Friday. We hope the judge throws a Barnes & Noble worth of books at this killer Karen.
Jason "Jah" Lee
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