Whilst birding the Dhahran Waste Water Lake 18 May I came across a single Steppe Buzzard Buteo Buteo vulpinus. I did not see the bird as it was sitting on the ground behind some scrub but as it took off I got a few clse photos of it in flight although it was not in the nest position to show off all its plumage. This is the first time I have seen the species in the area for quite a few years so was very pleased with the sighting and it is later by almost a month than all my previous records in the Eastern Province. Steppe Buzzard is an uncommon passage migrant and winter visitor that pass in March and April and again in September and October, merging with the occasional and sparse winter visitors which may appear in any or all months between the autumn and spring movements. 

[email protected] (Jem Babbington)

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