Happy Pisces season, star gazers! Are you ready to start writing a new chapter of your life? This March, we will experience several powerful planetary shifts that warrant some personal and plant-based preparation. 

On March 2, Mercury enters mystical Pisces. Keep a dream diary next to you while you sleep, because we can expect to have vivid dreams early in the month. On March 7, there is a full moon in sharp Virgo, which urges us to reorganize our routines. On that same day, strict Saturn leaves Aquarius, enters Pisces, and asks for structure to make dreams reality. Saturn in Pisces should help give shape to creative processes. 

The Spring Equinox approaches on March 20, marking the astronomical first day of spring and an official energy reset for all of us. This is a wonderful time for reflection and manifesting your dreams and intentions for the new year. Spring brings us a renewed sense of hope and lightness. 

Finally, on March 23, Pluto moves out of organized Capricorn, where it has been for the last 16 years, and slowly enters its major transit to unpredictable Aquarius. While Pluto flirts with Aquarius this month, it won’t consistently transit the sign until late 2024, where it will stay for 20 years.

Governing significant, deep transformation, Pluto’s beginning shifts to Aquarius will bring us new ideas, themes, and focuses. With all that in mind, here are our favorite strains to guide you through the changing tides of life.

Your March horoscope


two fish swimming in stars and cannabis leaves on a blue background with bongs and the word
(Savina Monet)

Happy Birthday, Pisces! It’s your moment, and you’re in your zone. The last sign in the zodiac, Pisces are the wisest, most sensitive, and intuitive sign. 

This full moon in Virgo, why not indulge in some healthy structure? Make a list of goals you’d like to achieve this year, and don’t hold back! This activity will help you feel grounded. Saturn in Pisces will enhance your creativity, visions, and connectedness. There are heavy energy shifts in the celestial sphere. 

Now’s the time to light that special incense, spiritually cleanse your house, and connect with your ancestors. This month is all about intentional awareness and paying attention to your inner voice, dear Pisces.

March strain: Keep an open mind, engage with the world around you, and stay attentive to helping those around you who may be struggling. For those in need of something refreshing, try Bubble Bath, a tasty indica strain that will help you feel happy, focused, and uplifted—a perfect boost to your positive outlook to embrace all the upcoming change. It’s a nice scrub of a strain for your brain and body that will help you recharge so you can put yourself out there to help others who could benefit from your kind soul.


blunts and a ram with the word
(Savina Monet)

Welcome to March, Aries! With both Jupiter and Venus with you this month, you have both good luck and love on your side right now. You may feel inspired and motivated to pursue your passions and interests early in the month. This is a great time to take some risks and put your ideas into action, but make sure to balance your enthusiasm with careful planning and consideration. 

You’re eager for your season at this month’s end, Aries, and understandably so. You’re already determined to completely thaw out and start working on your garden. You have no qualms about taking action, but now is a good time for introspection. 

With the Spring Equinox and Aries season approaching, rest and reflect on the past year; allow yourself to truly feel any emotions you haven’t given yourself time or space to process. It’s time to release anything holding you back from being the best version of yourself. This month comes with some important decision-making for you.

March strain: Your mind runs a mile a minute! To slow down and ruminate, try some Deep Sleep, an indica dominant hybrid strain bred from classic Kush strains with 15% THC, known for quickly reducing users to a puddle of sleepy relaxation. Those much-needed REM cycles will give you the energy and zen you need to keep pushing.


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Bull on a green background with cannabis on the border and the word
(Savina Monet)

Welcome to March, Taurus! Grab a cozy blanket, roll up a joint, and let’s get into it.

This month, you might find yourself feeling a bit more grounded than usual, which is totally your vibe, right? Your ruling planet, Venus, will move into your sign on the sixth, bringing a sense of peace and stability to your life. You might feel more in touch with your values and priorities, which helps when making decisions.

But beware of getting too comfortable and complacent! The new moon on the 13th presents an opportunity to set intentions for future achievements in the coming weeks. Don’t be afraid to push yourself outside your comfort zone, whether that’s trying a new strain of weed or taking on a new project at work.

The full moon on the 28th could bring some unexpected surprises, both good and bad. It’s important to stay adaptable and go with the flow, even if it’s not what you had planned.

Remember, Taurus, sometimes the best adventures are the ones that are unplanned. Stay chill, stay grounded, and enjoy the ride.

March strain: We all know Taurus love a little treat, and you definitely deserve it. When you’re hankering for a good time and a little indulgence, roll up some Hidden Pastry, a 20% THC hybrid that is perfect for relaxing while keeping that happy buzz.


two women looking at each other confidently on sky background with pipes in the corners and the word
(Savina Monet)

Welcome to March, Gemini! The stars are giving you a lot of drastic changes this month, but you’re prepared. Some of you may be changing careers, others moving across the country, and some letting go of people who aren’t working in their life.

As Mercury, your ruling planet, moves through your career house, you may find that focus shifting to your professional life. This is an excellent time to set ambitious goals for yourself and to take action. Stay focused on your long-term objectives, and don’t be afraid to take calculated risks. This is a time of significant growth and self-discovery for you. 

Your natural charm and charisma will be a great asset during this time, so don’t be afraid to share your unique perspective with those around you. Before you get completely wrapped up in a new world, adventurous Gemini, why not channel all that magnetic energy into writing a letter to an old friend? I’m sure they could use your cheerful connection!

March strain: Aptly named, not much is known about Mystical Melody, except that it’s very highly rated at 4.8 by Leafly reviewers, who laud its cherry terps and acute euphoria. That’s why it’s perfect for you, Gemini. Why don’t you try this mysterious wonder weed and let us know how it is?

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Dab rigs and a large crab on a blue background with the word
(Savina Monet)

Welcome to March, Cancer! This month teems with love and connection. Whether you’re single or coupled up, it’s a great time to focus on relationships. If you’re single, you might meet someone special who gives you all the feels.

Already in a relationship? Expect some extra love and affection from your partner. Just make sure to communicate your needs and feelings so everyone stays on the same page. Remember, love is all about give and take, so make sure you’re also putting in the effort.

Regarding your career, it’s looking like a great month to take on new challenges and opportunities. Whether you’re starting a new project or getting a promotion, your hard work and dedication are paying off. But don’t forget to take care of yourself along the way.

Make sure to prioritize self-care and relaxation, whether it’s taking a mental health day or indulging in your favorite hobbies. Keep pushing forward, my dear Cancer friends, and don’t forget to enjoy the journey.

March strain: Speaking of self-care, Cereal Milk remains one of the best strains to give yourself a delicious brain massage. This mouth-watering, 22% THC hybrid boasts a potent high with loud, creamy flavors that elevate your focus and energize your spirit. Perfect for daytime activities and creative thoughts.


Becoming Jasmine Mans: poet and founder of Buy Weed from Women


Pink lion and joints on orange psychedelic background with the word
(Savina Monet)

Happy March, lovely Leos. This month, try to find balance in your relationships. Whether you’re single or coupled up, it’s important to communicate openly and honestly with your loved ones. For singles, embrace the urge to put yourself out there and meet someone new.

If you’re already coupled up, make sure you’re both on the same page. Don’t forget to show your partner some extra love and affection. The little things make a big difference, whether it’s a sweet text or a surprise date night.

It’s looking like a productive career month for you, my ambitious Leos. Whether you’re killing it at your job or hustling with your own business, your hard work is paying off. But make sure to take some time for self-care and relaxation, too.

Between the yoga classes or Netflix binges, make time for the rest you need to keep shining. Keep pushing forward, and remember to care for yourself along the way.

March strain: You don’t need a confidence boost Leo, but it feels good to gas yourself up now and then, doesn’t it? Whoa Si Whoa will do the trick—users report feeling boosted self-esteem and an intense high from this funky, 26% THC strain.


Woman reading a book with a flower in her hair on green background and the word
(Savina Monet)

Welcome to March, Virgo! A lot is going on for you this month. Your ruler, Mercury, is in direct motion early in the month; the full moon is in your sign; Venus moves through your house of relationships.

March is likely to be a month of focus and progress for you, Virgo. You may find yourself putting in a lot of hard work and effort, but with a sense of purpose and determination that helps you stay on track.

You may find that your romantic life is taking center stage. This is an excellent time to focus on building stronger connections with your partner or to explore new romantic possibilities. Be sure to communicate honestly and openly, and listen to your heart in matters of love.

March strain: What if I told you, productive Virgo, you could smoke a strain of cannabis that would eliminate your stress and create pure bliss? Sueño users report feeling very uplifted and ready to seize the day. This heady hybrid will give you the perfect amount of whimsy to balance your industrious nature.


Scales on sky background with rounded pipes and the word
(Savina Monet)

Happy March, Libras! Grab your favorite herb, sit back, and let’s get cracking.

This month, try to find balance and harmony in your life. Whether it’s in your relationships or your career, make sure your effort goes to creating a sense of peace and equilibrium. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, take some time to step back and breathe. Whether it’s a meditation session or a walk in nature, ensure you’re giving yourself the time and space to center yourself.

The alignment of the Sun and Venus in your house of health and wellness suggests that you may be focused on improving your physical and emotional well-being, perhaps through a new fitness routine or a renewed commitment to self-care.

Regarding your career, it’s looking like a great month to focus on your goals and aspirations. But make sure to prioritize self-care and relaxation, too. Now’s a good time to get some Girl Scout Cookies (the dessert kind) and reach out to your friends to hang out, so you can feel recharged social Libra.

March strain: Whether you’re working on a new project or taking on new responsibilities, your hard work and dedication are paying off and deserve a little celebration. Cookies and Dream is a tasty sativa-dominant hybrid, ideal for social gatherings and taking a load off after a long, productive day. It packs a strong sativa kick to keep your energy up.


Scorpion and bongs on a blue and pink background with the word
(Savina Monet)

Happy March, Scorpio! This month, you’re probably experiencing some intense emotions and deep introspection. The alignment of Mars in your house of intimacy and transformation urges you to explore your inner self and seek understanding of your deepest desires and motivations.

It’s important to embrace this time of introspection and self-exploration and to trust in your own intuition and inner wisdom. Don’t be afraid to confront any fears or limitations that may be holding you back, and to take bold action to pursue your passions and desires.

Overall, this is a month for balancing your inner and outer worlds and for focusing on personal growth.

March strain: Nothing helps us reset and rebound from emotional funks than a good night’s rest. A strain like Pillow Factory, a 21% THC bright, citrusy hybrid with undertones of spice, will help you feel tingly and ease into dreamland for all the much-needed self-care this month.


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An archer pulls a bow in front of a fiery orange weed background with palm blunts and the word
(Savina Monet)

Happy March, Sagittarius! This month, you may feel more optimistic and adventurous than usual, if you can imagine. The alignment of Jupiter, your ruling planet, in your house of travel and higher education suggests a heightened interest in new learning experiences or exploring new cultures and ways of thinking.

As Venus moves through your house of creativity and self-expression, you may feel your artistic side activate. This is an excellent time to focus on your passions and share your unique perspective.

Whether through art, writing, or other creative pursuits, your talents will shine. Overall, March is a time for adventure and exploration, as well as a time for embracing your creative side.

March strain: Follow your curiosity and take risks—you may be rewarded with new experiences and opportunities. Dream Lotus is perfect for relieving stress to prepare your mind for taking the plunge. This delightful strain has a lovely, fragrant blueberry aroma and will help you maintain that optimism and motivation this month. 


A horned goat and weed leaves on a green background with orange border and the word
(Savina Monet)

Welcome to March, Capricorn! Your ruler, Saturn, is in direct motion this month, so you may be working hard to achieve success. With Saturn in your house of career and reputation, you are ultra-focused on professional goals this month. Even if progress seems slow at times, hang in there! Stay true to yourself and embrace the discipline and dedication, the hallmarks of your sign.

As Mars moves through your house of partnerships, you may find your relationships with others, both personal and professional, undergoing some changes and challenges. It is important to communicate clearly and honestly with others and to make sure that you are prioritizing your own needs and boundaries.

Overall, Capricorn, March is a time for hard work and dedication towards your professional goals and navigating changes and challenges in your relationships with others. Take care of your physical and emotional well-being, and surround yourself with those who support and uplift you.

March strain: You’re a striver, so take a bite from the tree of knowledge. Apple Tartz is a 26% THC hybrid that perks you up for productive morning wake and bakes. From personal experience, I can confirm this strain will motivate and focus you.


water pitcher and weed pipes on sky background with word
(Savina Monet)

Welcome to March, Aquarius! This is an exciting month for you, particularly because it marks the beginning of Pluto’s slow transition to Aquarius. As an air sign, you tend towards curiosity and open-mindedness, always seeking out new ideas and perspectives. Pluto in Aquarius intensified this energy. You will find yourself drawn to exploring deeper and more profound questions about the nature of reality, the human experience, and the universe’s workings.

This month will be a time of transformation and renewal for you, dear Aquarius, as you will be drawn to new ideas that will help you grow and evolve. Towards the middle of the month, you will feel an explosion of creative energy that will help you bring your ideas and projects to life.

This is a great time to collaborate with people who share your interests and vision. As the month progresses, stay open to exploring your spiritual side and connect with your inner self.

March strain: While cannabis isn’t a true psychedelic, it can help you see the bigger picture and understand what to make of it. Peyote Cookies, a 17% THC indica-dominant straiin known for providing long-lasting euphoria, is the perfect strain to try this month on your creative journey.

Check out last month’s horoscopes.

Carmen Ramirez

Carmen Ramirez is a Cuban American astrology and cannabis enthusiast raised in Miami, FL. She’s a Pisces who loves baking, coffee, and live music. When she’s not camping in her van, she lives in Evergreen, Colorado.

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Carmen Ramirez

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